History Repeating. Hopefully.
I'll Wait…
Fuckwits with firearms
Fuckwits with flags
Fuckwits in pickups with Confederate flags
Gov. Whitmer's order for Michigan citizens to stay home, they said, was tyranny (SPOILER: if you can gather in public and accuse the government of tyranny without fear of arrest, it's not tyranny).
They repeated Ben Franklin's claim that 'security without liberty is called prison' (SPOILER: if you can drive your pickup to Lansing, Michigan, you're not in prison and you have liberty).
They chanted "Lock her up!" and "Keep America Great!" (SPOILER: if your nation was warned a pandemic was coming and didn't bother to prepare for it, your country isn't all that great, and a populace that wants to lock up a governor for trying to mitigate that pandemic isn't particularly great either).
They also gathered to block traffic in front of a hospital. Seriously, during a goddamn pandemic, these fuckwits thought it was cute to block the emergency entrance to a hospital.
Jesus suffering fuck. —
Malignant Normality
A recent profile in the New Yorker of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell quoted a staffer as claiming that behind closed doors McConnell has described Trump as "nuts." Democrats should demand to know if the Republican Senate mastermind truly believes that the president is impaired, and force McConnell to choose between yet more lies and the future of his country.
Democrats should also get over their concerns about angering Trump supporters. Anyone who continues to applaud Trump's weird and reckless disregard for humanity at this point is beyond the limit of rational persuasion. Trump supporters live in a hallucinatory dreamscape under the authority of a maniac. Let them have their anti-social distancing rallies, and allow them to believe that Barack Obama invented COVID-19 shortly after he was born in Kenya.
Rational Americans need to stop enabling this abusive and deranged presidency. Declare Donald Trump insane and, at long last, bring an end to our era of malignant normality.
Trump's lies are so brazen that it is now common for politicians and the media to talk about him lying, a word that would not have been used in days gone by but replaced by euphemisms. Is it only a matter of time before they start openly questioning his sanity instead of just whispering it behind closed doors? – Mano Singham/Freethought Blogs
Watching the Shitgibbon's Press Conferences Be Like…
Saves Lives
I swear Twitter just needs to just shut down Orange Caligula's account for violating any number of their Terms of Service. But if the Russian Wig Stand's call for armed insurrection against the governors of certain states won't trigger it, nothing will. #complicit
What a Tragedy
From Wil Wheaton:
America had come together, setting aside all of our own wants and needs, to engage in the single greatest act of human kindness in history. We all stayed home, at great expense and inconvenience, so the most vulnerable among us wouldn't die a preventable death.
I want you to think about this for a moment, before I continue: there is someone you love, who is at risk of serious infection and death,right now. I am staying home for that person, so you don't lose someone you love. I am not the only person doing this. You're doing this. Your family and your neighbors are doing this. We are, all of us, doing this, together, even though it is hard, it is scary, it is frustrating.
But we are doing it, together, because we care about our fellow humans.
A strong, moral, ethical, worthy leader will look at this tremendous sacrifice and ask themselves how they can honor it, how can they keep this going as long as possible, so the sacrifices we've made for a few weeks can be extended into months. We are doing this so people do not die.
That bears repeating: we are doing this so people we love do not die a preventable death.
America has the resources to ensure that staying home does not financially ruin anyone who is making this incredible, unprecedented, unselfish sacrifice right now. What America does not have, is the leadership to use those resources.
What America has is a vicious, selfish, incompetent, cruel, abusive, autocratic, impeached president who looked at all this sacrifice, who looked at Americans of all demographics and political beliefs, and saw an entire country setting aside its differences to work together so innocent people — people we love — do not die.
This man looked at that, and saw that it was a threat to his ambitions. Forget for a moment that it is entirely his fault that thousands of preventable deaths have occurred, and just reflect that his impulse is NOT to encourage and comfort millions of people who are scared and stressed out, but to hurt us, to abuse us, to risk our lives and the lives of our loved ones, because that man has no empathy, no compassion, no morality of any kind.
Thirty-three thousand humans have died in America since this pandemic hit our shores. According to scientists, 90% NINETY PERCENT of those deaths would not have happened, if only Trump had listened to experts and taken this seriously. If only Trump was a real leader, with compassion, empathy, and competence, tens of thousands of families would not be mourning the loss of a loved one.
America had come together to fight this. We mustered ourselves quickly and we were ready for a leader to help us take this commitment to join together and focus it, so we could get through this crisis as quickly as possible, with minimal disruption.
But the impeached president and his allies failed us. As they have done all along, they have put their narrow self interests ahead of the interests of the country, and ahead of the value of your life.
He is, right now, celebrating a fake "protest" that was organized and paid for by a right-wing organization controlled by the DeVos family. Right now, he is taking people's fears and anxieties, and instead of using both the bully pulpit and a working relationship with congress to reassure and help them, he's pouring gasoline on a fire.
And he is doing it because it's all he knows how to do. This man doesn't know how to be a leader. He doesn't know how to be a human being who cares about others. He looked at an entire country coming together, and his impulse was to tear it apart.
Donald Trump looked at the single greatest act of human kindness in the history of our species, and he felt threatened by it. So he is doing everything he can to destroy it, to destroy us.
And for what? To consolidate his own money and his own power.
Rick Wilson says "everything Trump touches dies". For tens of thousands of innocent Americans, he's right.
A leader looks at the best impulses of their people in a crisis, and they celebrate, encourage, and support those impulses. A president cares about protecting their citizens above all else.
Trump is neither of those things. Trump is an abusive despot, out of his depth, incompetent and unqualified.
May history record that, when millions of Americans came together, unselfishly, in the greatest act of human kindness in history, Trump saw a threat to be destroyed.
We are nowhere near the end of this. We are probably not even at the end of the beginning of this. Trump, his fearful supporters, and his angry cultists, are going to make things so much worse than they would have been, because it's all they know how to do.
What a tragedy.
CNN Finally Grows a Pair
Now if they (and MSNBC) would only stop broadcasting these daily shit shows altogether…
Sorry, Satan
Oh It Will. It Will.
Every Single Thing…
All Of The Above
You're Damn Right
Oh Sah-NAP!
Quote Of The Day
Well, it finally isn't funny anymore—the grandiosity, the ignorance, the cruelty, the bullying, the racism, the petty insults and incessant stupidity. But especially the non-stop lying. The greatest asset that a president can bring to a crisis is credibility. On Day One of his presidency, Donald Trumpchose to pick a fight with the media about the size of his inaugural crowd … The very next day, Kellyanne Conway let Americans know of the existence of something called "alternative facts." Oh. So, that's how it's going to be, huh? Since then, the lies have come so fast and furious that keeping track has been impossible. How do you remember the last one when three or four equally ridiculous lies are almost certain to follow that day? 'Don't take him literally,' his supporters insisted. 'Take him seriously.' Really? Well, no. What they really were saying was how happy they were that he would be appointing pro-life, pro-corporate Federalist Society judges, cutting taxes to benefit the wealthy, undoing regulations to help corporations exploit their employees and destroy our environment, and pulling us out of the Paris Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Deal. That the President of the United States is a malignant narcissist who could allow no fact to stand that contradicted his insatiable need for self-aggrandizement has been of little concern to establishment Republicans. The stock market was climbing. They were getting richer. And they had cover from the right-wing media to fool enough of his base into believing his limitless dishonesty. At this year's State of the Union, the First Lady bestowed upon Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom, an honor he now shares with Mother Teresa, Cesar Chavez, and the crew of Apollo 13 … Until this crisis, Trump has paid no real price for his constant, pathological mendacity. Before politics, the man had spent his entire career in a business where, evidently, there was no accountability for inveterate lying. But for this crisis there is accountability. And instead of leading, Donald Trump's focus has been where it always has been—on Donald Trump. 'I give myself a ten out of ten.' 'We are very close to a vaccine.' 'I don't take responsibility at all.' 'Anybody who needs a test can get a test. And the tests are perfect. Like the letter was perfect. The transcript was perfect.' Of course, no leader could have prevented the devastation that this virus has and will continue to exact. But because Trump's focus has been on himself, his reelection, and his fragile self-image, our federal government squandered our most valuable commodity. And the amount of suffering which that lost time will cost our nation is as tragic as it is unknowable. Trump will not step away. He will continue to take the stage and our focus—but he will not be able to claim the credibility he never earned. We are left to proceed despite our president and find the leadership we need elsewhere. From governors and mayors and other civil servants. From health care professionals and scientists and economists. From community leaders and each other. It is time for each of us to step up and fill the vacuum at the top—first by staying home. And for those fortunate enough to weather this storm financially—to help those who cannot. Lest we forget Trump's Houdini-like ability to escape the traps he's set for himself, it is also time for us to commit to his defeat in November. For now, find a way to do that from home. But when it's time to come out into the light, it must be our collective mission to make this godawful human being pay the price for every lie he has ever uttered." ~ Al Franken
Sign Of The Times/They Live
Someone is wearing his sunglasses.
I Miss Having an Adult in the White House
From I Should Be Laughing:
_____ says that he wants his name on coronavirus relief checks going out to every American as part of the $2 trillion stimulus package intended to boost the economy even though a civil servant—the disbursing officer for the payment center—would normally sign federal checks.
Well, while signing the bill into law in the Oval Office last week—with only Republicans on hand, mind you—IMPOTUS was said to be in awe at the price tag attached to the legislation:
"I never signed anything with a T on it."
Trump, who has faced criticism recently for his bumbling of the pandemic, and his view that it'll be over soon, predicted a 'rebound like we have never seen before' by the end of the year.
The end of the year? But you said Easter! You said when the weather got warmer. You said it was no big deal.
I don't want your name on a fucking check, I want your name at the bottom of a letter that says:
"I resign."
Pick One Or Two People You're Willing to Lose
I Absolutely Believe He Would
The French of the late 1700s absolutely had the right idea of how to deal with a government that no longer had their interests at heart. I want nothing more than to see this bastard dragged from the White House and either strung up on a tree on its front lawn or to have his head forcibly removed from his body. But even more than that, I want to see him and his equally reprehensible spawn stripped of all their assets and thrown into 7×9 cells for the rest of their goddamned lives.