
This is so true, especially in the days before cell phones and digital photography. On those rare occasions when I want to remind myself of what a truly horrible person I was prior to my cancer diagnosis and start reading through my journals, I run across names of men I had dated and were absolutely obsessed with—but for whom I am totally unable to conjure forth a mental image.

And it's not just the dated-but-ultimately-went-nowhere guys in my journals. I had friends in the 70s, 80s, and even 90s—good friends—for whom I have not a single photo. I at least retain somewhat of a memory of their faces and their smiles, but it saddens me I have nothing tangible to refer to. Was it the cost of the film and the developing? Possibly, but I don't honestly know.  I have tons of photos of other shit from those years, but for some reason the people closest to me are totally absent.

Speaking of Night Skies…

Click to Embiggen

I still have no idea how people are creating the fantastic night sky photos you see online using only their iPhones. I'm lucky if I get 2-3 shots that are in focus, much less showing the galactic background.

(I know I need totally dark skies to see that galactic background, but even knowing that my pictures for the msot part are lousy.)

Forgotten Photos

I bought a film/slide scanner the other day. Why I didn't do this years ago is beyond me. I've started going through my box of negatives and slides and I'm running across photos I'd forgotten I'd taken because I gave away the prints long ago. These are among many I'll be posting as time goes by. My friend Marty Kamner (1953-1995), taken June 1988:

I took these as part of two separate photoshoots we did in the quest to find a photo I could paint a portrait from.

Escaping the Heat

We drove up to Payson and took a drive along the Mogollion Rim yesterday to escape the heat. It was easily 35 degrees cooler than Phoenix and it rained! It was delicious.

And while we didn't think it would happen, the storm followed us home. About an hour after we got there, it POURED for a solid 20 minutes.

Saturday Getaway

Ben and I both needed a break and to get outside our own heads for a while, so yesterday we headed south to Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson.

The Air and Space Museum has always been a favorite destination of mine for photography; the stark desert light, the contrast between sea and sand, and of course the brilliant colors of the aircraft themselves set against those backgrounds.


With only a couple exceptions, these are not what I consider to be my best photos posted to Instagram over the past year. Only 5 of them were actually taken in 2018; three are many years old, and one isn't even my own work. But what do I know?

More Scenes From a Road Trip

I love this man!
I am incorrigible, no matter where I am.
Redlands Public Library
Windmills outside Palm Springs
I've always referred to this as the Soylent Green processing plant.
Full moon rising at "magic hour" while passing Dome Rock on I-10 just east of the Arizona/California border

I Need To Get Out With My Camera Again

Still working on organizing 50 years of photos.

And it's making me realize I've taken a lot of shots I really like, (a few from 2008-2009 follow) but for some reason have never been posted, either here or on Flickr. I guess maybe at the time I didn't think they were that good, or perhaps required more Photoshop tweaking than I had skills for. Or maybe I was just lazy. But it's showing me that I miss making photos and really need to get my lazy ass out there again…

A Hot Mess

Many years ago, while out of work and undergoing radiation treatments for my cancer, I finally had enough free time on my hands to start a project I'd been wanting to undertake since the first flatbed scanner came into my life: digitizing the contents of my photo albums.

At the time, I really didn't have a system for organizing the photos, and over the years this has proven to be a huge problem. I had something like ten albums, so I simply named each photo with a sequential number based on which album was being scanned, followed by a short description that included the year. If there were multiple photos of a single event, I'd append an "a" or "b" to the end.

During the years that followed the initial completion of the project, that convention completely fell apart when I stopped printing photos and putting them into albums. Adding to the confusion was the fact that sometime around 2006, I'd purchased a new scanner that could digitize slides. The slide scans (of already scanned photos) were far and away better quality than the corresponding photos, but I made no attempt whatsoever to integrate them into the existing naming sequence, simply naming them scan1, scan2, etc.

After my dad passed, I got hold of his family photo albums and scanned all those photos into the mix. His albums were roughly organized by year, so in the interest of simply getting it done, I took advantage of that rough organization and threw the newly-scanned images into yearly folders. Unfortunately I made no attempt to properly name any of them, opting instead of a generic album name 001, 002, etc. At some point thereafter, I went back and moved all my photos into those yearly folders as well, since there was no reason to keep them separate.

The other day I was trying to locate a particular photo I knew existed in the collection, but after spending the better part of an hour coming up empty handed no matter what search parameters I put in, I knew the time had come that something had to be done about the hot mess that this photo collection had become.

I knew it was bad, but I didn't realize how bad it was. There were exact duplicates in the same folders with different names. There were duplicates with different names and years in different folders. There were the hundreds of scanxx photos, and I soon realized this was probably going to be a weeks-long (if not months-long) project getting this disaster organized.

Add to that I've been sitting on a dozen or so of my mom's family albums that are waiting to be scanned. My sister keeps asking if I've gotten around to doing it, and I keep putting her off, not wanting to wade into that without first organizing the mess I already had.

So the other day I created monthly folders in each yearly folder and started moving those items I had either previously named with a month, or knew with relative certainty happened at a particular time.

This time, my naming convention is year-month-numerical sequence-short description (where needed). In other words, 1989-06-0046-kevin ohm at sf pride.jpg. Fortunately Adobe Bridge has a batch rename function that allows me to do everything except the description automatically.

Even with that automation tool (and PhotoSweeper to weed out duplicates), at approximately 32,000 photos, this isn't going to happen overnight, but it is forcing me to rediscover a lot of photos I'd completely forgotten about.



Throwback Thursday*

Who wears short shorts? I wore short shorts!

June 1984, Mesa Community Center

*this was queued for Thursday but never got published, so you're getting it on Friday, bitches!

Poppies…Poppies Will Put Them To Sleep!

We made a little road trip down south today in hopes of catching the poppy fields at Picacho Peak in full bloom. Because of all the rain we had this winter, we were expecting to see a thick carpet of yellow and orange creeping up the hills, but what was actually in bloom was kind of disappointing considering we supposedly arrived at the peak of the season (as verified by the Park Rangers). But it was still much better than the past few years we've gone.