Quote of the Day

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose…

"But let's get serious, let's get journalistic for one second: fuck this evil lying fuckstick coward, his evil lying fucking press conference, his evil lying fucking lobby, and every expensive fucking car their whole flock of fucksticks fucked in on. "It's literally everyone's fault except ours," says this useless foreskin of a person, this mass child-murderer by proxy, sanctimoniously lecturing all of us about "responsibility" with such mind-boggling gutless hypocrisy that it makes you want to peel your entire skin off and mail it to him with the middle finger propped upright forever. "Every school in America should have an armed guard, duh huh hruur rfugnh. [Finger guns, dancing]." –This motherfucker, this fungus on the taint of America, who is either the dumbest ignorant sack of pus who ever lived OR the literal devil. "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," says this amoral piece of turd, neatly sidestepping "or not giving the bad guy a fucking SEMIAUTOMATIC ASSAULT WEAPON." This mercenary limpdick fuck. This sandwich bag of dog shit. Fuck Wayne LaPierre. Fuck this evil, evil fucking person." ~ Sashayed, who posted this wonderful rant in 2012!