"Eddie is the yin to Buck's yang." – Tim Minear 9-1-1
C'mon guys…get these two together for realz!
Once a legitimate blog. Now just a collection of memes 'n menz.
Fandom never believed in a million years it would actually happen—even with all parties involved repeatedly agreeing they were cool with it. Still, it was a surprise to both fandom and casual viewers alike when it happened. (Ben was reading ahead online during a commercial break and let out an "OH MY GOD!" from the Kitchen and I my first thought was that they'd killed off a major character because—well—911!).
Social media went into a meltdown of praises and relief. Our 911 viewing experience has definitely changed forever with this historic moment. Our lives will never be the same—and neither will Evan "Buck" Buckley's.
Oliver Stark – Again, you displayed such a delicate yet powerful performance for this episode. All emotions were on point. Valid! And we all felt it deep in our bones. The storyline is worthy for the show's 100th episode. You did not disappoint us. You delivered and exceeded everyone's expectations. Thank you!
But the question remains…when are you and Eddie getting together?
I seriously doubt the writers would ever take these two characters in that direction—despite the fact that all the signs are there and the actors themselves have said they'd be open to it. They've already got a lesbian couple on the show, so is it really needed?
But with Falchuk/ Murphy who knows?