So True
Prove Me Wrong
Not ALL Boomers
But that was a personal choice.
Every. Damn. Day.
This Karen Gets It
So Fucking True
If anything, these past two weeks have shown me that every word of this is true.
Starve the Beast. Turn Him Off.
This is long overdue.
Quote of the Day
Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had to happen." ~ Unknown (via quotemadness)
Submitted Without Comment
Speaking Truth to Power: Apparently This Triggered a Few Snowflakes
Out Of The Mouth Of Babes
As Long As I've Been An Adult
Every. Damned. Time.
Even With All The Years I've Been Doing This…
Quote of the Day
It's much better to age disgracefully! Take it on the chin, and roll with it. You die young, or you get older. There is nothing in between! You may as well enjoy it. My mother once said, 'Never worry about getting older. I know the thought of you being 45 when you're 25 is, Oh, my god! Who wants to be 45? But it's amazing because when you get to be 45, you'll realize it's actually very cool and you don't want to be 25 again.' And I have to say, she was absolutely right. With every age comes advantages and disadvantages. And you tend to find that you don't want to go back. You want to be exactly where you are with everything you've experienced." ~ Helen Mirren
Thought For The Day