A Good Analogy

For anyone that's confused about what's happening in Russia and Ukraine, here's the Coles Notes version:

      • Ukraine used to be in an abusive relationship with Russia, feeding him, letting him use her car, paying for the coffee etc and giving him whatever he asked for until she built up the confidence to call it quits back in 1991.
      • Since then, Ukraine has been working on herself, becoming a strong independent woman with help from friends like France, America, Poland, and others. They give her support, loan her money, and are helping her find her way.
      • Ukraine has been enjoying being single for 30 years and looking forward to continuing to grow and create new friendships.
      • Now Russia, being the toxic ex that he is, wants her back, and doesn't want her meeting new people or creating any new relationships as this impacts the level of power and control he can exert over her.
      • A couple of weeks ago Russia started sitting out the front of Ukraine's house and when her friends ask him what was he doing there, he said "Oh nothing, just getting a little bit of exercise in, that's all."
      • After her friends told her that Russia was potentially getting ready to do something bad to her, he said "They're lying, they just want you to be scared of me and that's not what it is."
      • Yesterday Russia broke into Ukraine's house, beat her up and "took advantage" of her while live-streaming and double dog dared any of her friends to do something about it. She's still waiting for help.

I didn't write this, but it's a great analogy, with one exception: she's not waiting for help. She's kicking that abusive boyfriend's ass while her friends are destroying him on social media.


Bravery, Defined

Going back into an active battlezone for a kitty & fish…meanwhile back home big strong men are whining over wearing a piece of cloth over their faces and getting a couple pokes in their arms.

Ukraine is showing the world why the United States is rapidly becoming the laughingstock of the world.

Ours is an empire in collapse.

Russia Has Yet To Learn That You Never Mess With Anonymous

From The Guardian:

Cyber conflicts are fought in the shadows, but in the case of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it is a group that calls itself Anonymous that has made the most public declaration of war. Late on Thursday the hacker collective tweeted from an account linked to Anonymous, @YourAnonOne, that it had Vladimir Putin's regime in its sights.

In the days since, the group has claimed credit for several cyber incidents including distributed denial of service attacks – where a site is rendered unreachable by being bombarded with traffic – that have brought down government websites and that of Russia Today, the state-backed news service. The DDoS attacks still appeared to be working on Sunday afternoon, with the official sites for the Kremlin and Ministry of Defence still inaccessible.

Anonymous also said it had hacked the Ministry of Defence database, while on Sunday it was claimed the group had hacked Russian state TV channels, posting pro-Ukraine content including patriotic songs and images from the invasion.