Not Only Back At Work After a Long Holiday Weekend, But Back In The Fucking OFFICE
Yeah, It's A Lot Like that
Can't Say I Blame Them
Another Day Back in the Office
It's Not A Lie
Definitely Broken
Thursday In The Office
I Am Convinced…
I am convinced that the majority of the people I support, the "end users" were never told "No!" as children.
I am sick of the attitude that every piece of software, every application, must bend to their will, to conform to how they think it should work. Never mind that many things are hard-wired in and cannot be changed. And when confronted with that explanation, the whining starts. "What do you mean you can't fix it?"
Fuck them. Fuck them all.
Tuesday Back In The Office In A Single Image
🤣 🤣 🤣
"Your Inability To Properly Staff Is Not My Concern"
No Lie Detected
If that!