Just when I thought it was safe to go into the Internet again…
Creepy Comes In All Sizes
Why does this remind me of the Puppetmaster movies?
This Sickens Me
Being partnered with a special ed teacher has opened my eyes to many things, and watching this video absolutely sickens me to think that there are people like this teaching children.
Not only do the parties in this video need to be fired, they need to be prevented from ever being around children again. Please watch the whole thing.
If you're as outraged as I am after seeing this, please consider signing the petition to change New Jersey law here.
Teh St00pid, it BURNS!
"This is not a political war at all. This is not a cultural war. This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country – the United States of America. If you were Satan, who would you attack in this day and age? There is no one else to go after other than the United States and that has been the case now for almost two hundred years, once America's preeminence was sown by our great Founding Fathers." ~ Delusional Presidential Hopeful Douchenozzle Rick Santorum
To which I respond:
Not Exactly the Way I Envisioned It
Hand massager or…?
"Put your right hand in the box," she said.
"What's in the box?"
Submitted Wihtout Comment
Video here.
To be Filed Under…
W T F ?!?
Submitted Without Comment
This Ruined My Nap
But God Cares Where YOU Put Your Genitals
Hold on!
"All This Has Happened Before and Will Happen Again"
Can anyone say Cylon?
Get In the Car
To Be Filed Under…