Sadly, that's something else that living in Denver has stripped the joy out of. Between the weather, the never-ending string of potholes, and the absolute assholery displayed by drivers in this city, it's almost gotten to the point where I loathe even getting in the car.
I used to think the streets in Phoenix were bad. They're smooth as glass compared to what I have to deal with on a daily basis here.
And much like my last commute in the Bay Area (San Francisco to Foster City), many mornings I now find myself asking, "Is this the day I die, or am horribly maimed—or my car destroyed—by some jerkwad weaving in and out between cars who thinks that even though traffic is moving 75 in a 65 zone, it's still too slow, or by some ass putting on makeup or texting while driving?"
Yes, I have the option of taking public transit, and I'm doing that more and more often, but there are some days I either have to drive to work for whatever reason or I simply can't bear the thought of having to get up a half hour earlier in order to get my ass on the bus/train and be to work on time.
And no matter how much I plan on taking transit on snow days, invariably the days I need to drive (like next week when I take the car back in for service) snow is predicted. Seriously. I can't seem to catch a break.
I'm getting fucking tired of it.