Palate Cleanser

Needed if you actually went to YouTube and searched for the stuff I told you about in the previous post…

Forget Fright-Wing Politics

If you want to fall down a rabbit hole and see extreme paranoia and unchecked mental illness on display, go to YouTube and simply search for "NASA coverup" or "UFO" anything and you will see it in all it's pathetic, wretched glory. Especially in the links to other videos.

This country has a serious mental health problem on its hands.


So much for my break from blogging. That certainly lasted, didn't it?

I think now that I wasn't so much burnt out on blogging itself, but rather on the expectation that certain things would be posted on certain days of the week.  For that reason, I won't be doing any more of the scheduled weekly "theme" posts.

But there will still be political and social commentary, a healthy dose of snark, and more than enough hot menz to keep you pervs satisfied.

Spontaneity! That's the ticket!

I've been amassing have a lot of stuff over the past week that I want to share, so don't be surprised if a dozen or more posts appear in the next few hours.


I can't tell you the last time I saw a 5¼" floppy disk!

This Is Getting Too Easy

The minute I saw this on Facebook I knew it would only be a matter of hours until the crybabies over at NOM would be organizing a boycott of General Mills.  Right on cue, they got on their equality-supporting Apples and Microsofts (no mention ever of them giving up those modern conveniences) and fired off a missive demanding that the company withdraw their support for gay pride. And—much like what happened with their ever-so-successful boycott of Starbucks, GM's stock immediately went up.

Bravo, NOM!  Maybe one of your men of god will purchase a few boxes of cereal and dump the down the sewer the way one of them did with his cup of Starbucks.

Today they thoughtfully published the brands they were boycotting, and all I can say to the hateful idiot bigots is THANKS.  I have next week's shopping list.

Taking a Break

I'm burnt out on blogging. When I first started doing this thing eight years ago it was a way of venting my frustration at the direction the country was going, but lately it's just become an excuse to bitch about life and repost pictures of men in various stages of undress.

I'm over it. I need a break.

I don't know how long this will last. It may be days, or weeks, or even months until I'm fully back into it. I may still post occasionally if I happen to run across something online that I think is share-worthy, but the scheduled features are done.  I may pass on some interesting tech tidbit I happen to run across, or opine on politics now and then, but even there I'm suffering from severe outrage exhaustion. At this point I can't even go through all my politics feeds without hitting "mark all as read." The level of stupidity infecting this country on all levels has left me emotionally and mentally drained.

So keep checking back.  I may surprise you.

Burn the Heretic!

Ben and I made a trip out to Flatiron Crossing today and stopped in at the Apple Store to check out the company's latest orgasm-inducing creation, the 15" MacBook Pro with retina display.

At the risk of losing my fanboy status, I have to say that after picking it up and thoroughly examining the machine, I came away rather unimpressed. While it is indeed a beautiful piece of engineering, and nothing I opined the other day has really changed, I was expecting to be blown away by the retina display and it simply didn't happen. I guess the best way to sum it up is that any envy I might have felt as a 13" MacBook Air owner prior to actually having seen the new laptop has completely disappeared.

Yes, it's thinner and lighter than its predecessor. But in that regard it's no Air.  And as for the display? Maybe it's just my eyes but I didn't see enough of a difference between it and a regular display to justify the added expense. So to be completely honest, it was a very nice machine, but not nice enough to make me want to rush out and buy one.

That being said, would I refuse one if it was given to me, or—if I had a few thousand dollars laying around—not buy one for Ben as a graduation gift? Of course not. But it's definitely not that much of an improvement over what I currently own to leave me pining away for one.

I Love It (NSFW)

When you stumble upon a picture of some guy flashing his junk and think, "Damn he looks familiar." Then you realize you have another image of the same guy from months or years earlier and are are actually able to track it down.

 Found in 2009

 Found a few days ago