
…where you will stop at every traffic light no matter what time of day because idling cars are so much easier on the air and the city's engineers seem to have a pathological need to prevent traffic from flowing smoothly.

Quote of the Day

"Tranny is an abbreviation for transvestite and transsexual, so I'm free to use it since I fall with that category. Much as blacks can use the N-word. I know tranny from London, where they abbreviate everything—breakfast is brekkie, biscuit is biccie. Tranny is used affectionately on the club scene. Even transsexual advocates like Jayne County and Kate Bornstein have come out and said that these words aren't necessarily slurs…

"And I'm sick of people thinking they can ban words because they make them feel bad. Boo hoo for you! Any time we choose a different path in life, we're going to get shit for it—whether you choose to be openly gay, trans or even a straight guy with tattoos all over his face. If you don't have the balls to take shit, then choose an easy path. And for huge gay organizations like GLAAD to join in to censor Ru or anyone else confuses me. "Gender bender" is on GLAAD's list of banned words. That's what Frank-n-Furter, David Bowie and Sylvester were—that's not a slur except to the most precious, uptight goody two-shoes." ~ Lady Bunny

A Little Impromptu Road Trip

I was looking at my Flickr page the other day and realized it's been quite a while since I got out and did any photography. I think that's partially because I'm at the point with Denver that I really don't want any more reminders of this place. All I know is that every time I take my camera out with me I find no inspiration anywhere.

But photography is an itch I need to scratch every so often, and yesterday I really wanted to go somewhere and capture images of something. Unfortunately the weather wasn't looking cooperative.

Ben suggested we head west and drive to the top of Mt. Evans.

I was less than enthused at the idea. Yeah, maybe if the sun was shining and dark rain clouds weren't threatening in the west, but not with the way things were looking when he first proposed the idea.

After lunch the sun was starting to peek out in places, and he convinced me that we at least needed to get out of the apartment and go somewhere other than Starbucks. And since Sammy hadn't yet been on a road trip with us, it might be a good chance to see how he'd react.

I agreed with the proviso that if my camera battery wasn't charged all bets were off.

Amazingly, the battery in my camera was fully charged, so we set out on our little adventure, and I'm so glad we did.