…and pray that no Supreme Court Justices decide to retire before the Democrats regain control of Congress, because you'll never get them approved now.
What comes as no surprise to anyone who's been paying attention, the pod people took over the Senate yesterday and I suspect that during the coming months the country will slowly wake up to one hell of a "what did I do last November? (or more likely, what didn't I do last November since so many people couldn't be bothered to get their asses out and vote) hangover as the full extent of the amount of crazy elected to office comes to light.
What does that mean? At the very least, two years of posturing, inactivity on any of the issues that the citizens of this country actually care about, religious batshittery and the political circus of Impeachment proceedings against the "black communist Kenyan about-to-unleash-ebola-on-the-good-upstanding-white-christians-of-this-country usurper" (did I forget anything?) in the White House—all the while the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, what remains of the middle class will get bent over and screwed even more forcefully than before.
And though it all, the right-wing fear machine will continue to screech what they've been screeching for the last six years—that everything is still "Obama's fault"—except that now at deafening levels.
As many others have opined today, I agree that in the long run this will be a good thing. By the time 2016 rolls around the country will once again be so thoroughly and completely disgusted with the Jeebus-lovin, bible-quotin' obstructionist republicans, it will all but assure a Democratic sweep. (There's also the fact that Presidential elections tend to bring out a younger, much more progressive voting crowd—versus the mid-terms where it was pointed out the average age of people voting in yesterday's election was over sixty!)
That's not to say the next two years will be without pain. You can count on the Republicans doing everything in their limited time in office to royally fuck over the greatest number of people as possible.