On This Day in History

Gemini 4 astronaut Ed White becomes the first American to walk in space on June 3, 1965. White enjoyed his time floating in the void. When he was required to end his session and climb back into the spaceship, he said "I'm coming back in… and it's the saddest moment of my life." (NASA)

Rebel Alliance

From Fearsome Beard:

Mayors stand up for what is right, yes this is a link…go ahead click it…you know you want to. 

Not just mayors but governors. Good politicians with a moral compass who wish to pass a viable planet on to their children stand up.

The message that made me post a link to that article is that this is not a time to get bitter. Now is the time to lead. Lead by example. Lead with good honest morals. Lead by taking steps to not only meet the standards set for us by the Paris Agreement, but exceed those standards. Lead by taking these steps in each of our daily lives and in our communities, cities and states.

Say "Fuck You" to the weaklings who put personal gain and personal comfort over the love of their fellow man, the planet, the animals, the unborn descendants of us all. Those assholes aren't leaders, those assholes are spineless greedy selfish cowards.

Don't let such short sided dimwits make you angry & bitter, that's what they want. Follow the lead of these courageous Mayors and Governors. Follow their lead starting with your personal choices and follow them with your support. Together we can out do any mess and any harm that those that are misguided ignorant narcissistic demagogues dish out.

David Mixner: None Dare To Call It Treason

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."

– Marcus Tullius Cicero

Swirling like a tornado causing havoc and death, President Trump hopes to keep the American people off balance by committing one destructive act after another.  Our heads are spinning as we watch everything we care about in America be destroyed by this president who owes his election to a foreign power.

The strategy of the pathological lying is to create a smoke screen that makes it harder for our democracy to defend itself from the horror of these times.  There are so many issues we can fight back on including our environment, human rights, economic inequality, school lunches, healthcare, food for our seniors, climate change, etc.

All are important but we will lose all of these issues forever if we ignore the real threat which is to our democracy.

Let us not be distracted with noise, sideshows and attempts to divide.  At this stage, we must be citizens first who are willing to overlook our differences and control our self-righteousness to save America..

Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as a "citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]. In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aiding or involved by such an endeavor."

President Donald Trump has committed treason.

Harsh? I don't think so.

Early in this total nightmare, I was skeptical that the Trump people really coordinated with the Russians to win the election. Now I have not a doubt that Trump himself was aware of the Russians interfering in our democratic elections. Our sitting president coordinated with a foreign power to win in an election and in the process, has 'seriously injured the nation.'

I supported Bernie Sanders in the primary but worked my ass off for Hillary in the general. There is no question (especially if you read 'Shattered') the Democratic campaign could have been more effective.

However, Hillary won the popular vote by three million votes and lost Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan by a total just over 100,000 votes. Without a doubt, it is obvious that the Russian hacking of our election could have cost that many votes in those three states let alone the nation. As people are fearful of such harsh charges against a sitting President, it is important that the American people know his crimes against our nation.

  1. His campaign, and I am convinced with his knowledge, coordinated with a longtime hostile nation to undermine our democracy.
  2. He has used his presidential powers in a stunning attempt to cover up the treason.
  3. An America in chaos is a huge victory for the Russians.
  4. There is no question that entities involved with the entire Trump empire have benefited from the Russian connection including possibly laundering Russian funds in such places as banks in Cyprus.
  5. The president and his entire family are making tons of money from blatant conflict of interests and using foreign connections to create more wealth. The Oval Office has become one big garage sale.
  6. The president has attempted to undermine the Constitution with his bitter attacks on American institutions including a free press, separation of powers and transparency.
  7. His appointments to key positions in the administration are NOT people who attempt to provide a clear conservative alternative to critical issues facing America but are extremists to create chaos and destruction of our land, our values and our freedom.
  8. He is clearly breaking the laws of the land, violating the principles of the Constitution and committing obstruction of justice in order to cover-up his high crimes.
  9. President Trump is using the powers of his office to destroy American citizens personally and weaken our beloved American way so a select few can make huge profits.
  10. There is a real possibility that our president has serious mental disorders and if so, we can no longer pretend that the emperor has clothes.

This is not some cheap amateur burglary attempt at the Watergate and the attempted cover-up or a president lying about a sexual affair in the Oval Office.

Simply put, this is a coordinated effort with the Russians by our president to undermine our democracy and freedom. It is treason.
