And You're Still a Fucking Asshole

So the Orange Menace claims that Mueller's sentencing recommendations for Paul Manafort prove his innocence and exonerate him of any wrongdoing.

No, Donnie Two Scoops. It proves just the opposite. But you're too stupid to realize it.

We Were All Young Once

I think it's funny how so many younger people think older people don't like—or aren't interested in—sex. Granted, you reach a certain age and the hormones start winding down and you're not walking around constantly moist or with a raging hard-on 24/7 like you used to when you were 20, but c'mon. Sex is still a primal urge for men and women and even if you don't want to participate, that doesn't mean you don't like to watch.

And just remember, that kindly old grandmother you pass in the supermarket was once young and may have had a very colorful sex life…

I Approve Of This Message

Ryan Murphy has revealed that he isn't done telling the story of the residents of Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies…and I am overjoyed at the news.

After Apocalypse wrapped, I went back and rewatched Coven, simply because I'd forgotten so many of the details that ended up figuring prominently in the latest installment of the anthology. I enjoyed Coven when it was originally broadcast, but after Apocalypse, I think I love it, counting it the second-best season of the series (Apocalypse being the best.).


A few days ago, after forwarding the Remembering World AIDS Day graphic I posted to a friend, she wrote back and asked if I knew the men whom I'd named. "Of course," I said. "That's why I created that image."

She's a retired nurse, and had no idea that AIDS had touched my life so intimately. I told her I'd written at length about a lot of those men and went about locating the relevant blog posts to forward to her.

What this little exercise did was show me how often I've repeated myself on this blog over the years. I suppose it happens. Something captures my attention and I write, not realizing that I'd written about the same damn thing years earlier.

So as I get older and my memory will no doubt get even worse, if I end up repeating myself ad nauseum, I beg your indulgence. As my dad used to say, "Getting old is hell." (I know I've quoted him on this many times in posts.)

We Were Lied To

Computer technology will make our lives easier. Social Media will bring us together.

In reality, computers have complicated our lives in ways unimaginable, and nowhere is that more obvious when you're called upon to troubleshoot issues with friends and family. Phone trees. Password resets. Hacking. Phishing. Goddamned fucking printers. Bluetooth headphones. Wireless. Routers. Hot spots. Is the convenience of being able to turn off your porch light from the comfort of your bed really worth the aggravation that invariably accompanies setting up/maintaining the devices needed for that to work?  And then there's the computers themselves. Our entire lives (mine included) are now wrapped up in these slabs of glass and aluminum and silicon and when they don't work like their creators promised us they would, our collective blood pressure goes through the roof.

Let's not overlook the currently beyond-toxic hellstew of Social Media. Instead of bringing people together, platforms like Twitter have done nothing but divide us. There's no common ground and if left unabated, it's not going to be long before any sort of civil public discourse will seem as quaint as the horse and buggy. Everything is now my way or the highway, and those unfortunate folks who in the past would've been seen standing on a street corner screaming at buildings or medicated and receiving treatment for their mental illness are now given free reign to spew their crazy across the internet. It may be hyperbolic to say that Social Media will destroy civilization, but in its current incarnation, it's doing precious little to foster it.


Tumblr Commits Suicide

RIP, Tumblr.

I have more than enough pictures of nekkid men—either alone or doing things with other men that can cause spontaneous erections in sex-loving gay men and sanctimonious hypocritical Republicans—in my offline collection to continue posting and keeping visiting porn-dogs happy for years, but this is troubling for a variety of reasons and finding new content to share is going to be more difficult, because pretty much all the menz I've posted have come from Tumblr.

Also, I expect you won't be able to access my blog at all using Starbucks wifi come the first of the year either—at least not without using a VPN. (Y'all ARE using a VPN while connected on any public wifi, right?)

If you have a Tumblr account, you can download all your content by going to and select Export. Due to increased traffic on the site in the wake of today's news, it may take hours for it to process.

If you just want to save videos directly that you've posted or reposted, use this link. (The site can be a bit glitchy if you're attempting to capture from protected blogs, so you'll need to use the link to the comments that's on your site.)