Sexy AF

So apparently Technics released some new turntables yesterday. First up—unlike the megabucks decks of the last couple years billed as successors to the iconic 1200mk2—was the 1200mk7.

Visually (except for it's brand-new all black color) it looks to be the direct descendant of the legendary 1200mk2 line—almost to the point they located the original manufacturing dies. A closer look of course reveals more than a few not-so-subtle differences: a new tonearm, new motor, and new electronics. Pretty much everything has been updated for the 21st century while retaining the same iconic look.

No pricing announced yet, but everything seems to point to less than $1K, which would put it on equal footing with what much-desired used 1200s have been going for on eBay.

More than anything it looks like perhaps Panasonic has actually been listening to their customers who were unimpressed with the wholesale revisions—and astronomical price tags—of what they had earlier released as replacements for the 1200. Did this news make me want to give up my venerable 1300mk2 and run out and buy one?

Not exactly.

But this…

OMFG. When I first saw it I swear I had a spontaneous ejaculation.

Sexy. As. Fuck.

Most definitely not a DJ deck, the sl1500c is a fresh take on their wonderful direct drive home turntables of years long past. While the 1500 moniker implies a completely manual deck, this one lifts the arm and shuts off at the end of the record (more like their old 1400 series machines), but I'm not going to quibble. It has no pitch controls, but other than that seems to boast the same guts as the new 1200s. And the aesthetic? TOTALLY Technics.

I sure don't need one, but I definitely want one. And the 1500 is available in silver.

Could this actually mark the rebirth of the Technics brand?

Quote of the Day

At my age, in this still hierarchical time, people often ask me if I'm 'passing the torch.' I explain that I'm keeping my touch, thank you very much—and I'm using it to LIGHT THE TORCHES OF OTHERS, because only if each of us has a torch will there be enough light." ~Gloria Steinem

The Extinction of the White American Dinosaur

From John Pavlovitz:

I love the look I saw this week.

It was the look of terrified dinosaurs realizing that the meteorite is on its way; the dilated pupils in the eyes of leadened, lumbering prehistoric monsters who've had their run of the house, now finding themselves at the precipice of extinction.

As the most diverse Congress in our history began its session, it was a harbinger of what is coming for this nation, and what it means for their species. America is growing more diverse, and its representative leadership (though still painfully lagging behind) is quickly making up ground. They can see the change in the weather and the light in the sky—and they are scrambling to avoid the coming impact because they can sense it will not end well for them.

It's why Mitch McConnell is holding the Government hostage over an ineffective, multi-billion dollar monument to racism of a border wall, that two-thirds of this country doesn't want.

It's why men like Tucker Carlson, rant mindlessly about successful women ushering in the "decline of men."

It's why Jim Mattis and Michael Cohen and General Kelly and Mike Flynn, and a perpetually revolving door of men are leaving or being forced out of positions of influence and leadership.

It's why Republican leaders have spent the past year creating a massive straw man out of exhausted migrant families and refugee children, as though they were wealthy foreign adversaries rigging a Presidential election.

It's why Right-wing trolls "leaked" a video of a college-aged Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dancing, as if it was a clip of her saying she could grab less powerful men by the genitalia.

It's why Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr, performed embarrassingly contorted theological gymnastics, in order to align with this President over poor people.

It's why Donald Trump spent Christmas Eve bunkered down in the White House behind a smart phone, tweeting scattered, rapid-fire nonsense—instead of being with his family or reading or God forbid, serving someone.

It is the white-hot fear that has overtaken them all.

They're all in a scalding panic, because they understand that their brief moment in history to have their way and impose their will is quickly coming to a close. The landscape is being renovated, the climate is changing, and as a species they are dying—which is why they will do what all frightened animals do when they are backed into a corner and realize the level of the threat: they will grow more violent than ever before.

In the coming days, the Tweets will become more erratic, the legislative assaults grow more transparently desperate, the hate crimes more brazen, the sermons grow more alarmist and incendiary. These Jurassic, soon-to-be-amber-trapped relics, will act as if the very sky above them is falling, because in very real ways, it is. They will thrash and spit and bellow, in an effort to buy themselves a few more days and a bit more power and another Federal judge or two, but they cannot stave off their inevitable disappearance, as progress and civilization and time swallow them up.

(Continue reading.)

Joie De Vivre

I think the reason the GOP have their collective panties in a twist over newly minted Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is fourfold:

(a) She's a woman.

(b) She's a POC.

(c) She speaks truth to power.

(d) In her original video that spawned the above meme, she's expressing the kind of unbridled joy in life that the perpetually angry, ass-clenching GOP will never experience and it's driving them insane.

Quote of the Day

Nancy Pelosi has just arrived at the Capitol and I want to run up to her screaming, "Mom! Mom! Thank God you're home! The babysitter is batshit cray and starting fires!" ~ Amee Vanderpool

Trump Supporters

IMHO, this movie (Bird Box if you haven't heard of it) deserves every merciless, hateful meme it's generating. A cheap ripoff of the general idea of A Quiet Place (which I thought was excellent, by the way), it's obvious Sandra Bullock's bank account was getting more than jus a little lean when she agreed to participate in this travesty. If it was playing in a theater I would've demanded my money back. It's that bad.