Mirror Mirror On The Wall (NSFW)
I've Been Saying This For Years
I'm Spending Too Much Time on YouTube Today
The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine. ~ J.B.S. Haldane
Released 34 Years Ago Today
Sade: Diamond Life (1985)
Released 40 Years Ago Today
Carrie Lucas: Dance With You (1979)
Ruin Your Childhood
Laws Broken: Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory
We wrapped up first season last night and I have to say The Umbrella Academy is one of the freshest, most entertaining things I've seen on television lately. From the minds of Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, The Umbrella Academy is the story of a super-dysfunctional family of superheroes who have eight days to get it together and save the world. The story, the sets, the special effects…all are spot-on. And it's fun!. Check it out.
Security Theater
My present place of employment has two entrances: one for full-time employees and one for the public (and contractors). The main (public) entrance requires that everyone pass through a metal detector and have their belongings x-rayed. The employee entrance does not. (In fact there's also an employee bypass at the main entrance.)
If you're a contract employee like I am and arrive before 8, however, you are allowed to enter the building using the employee entrance because the main entrance isn't staffed until then. Since I typically get to work around 7:15, I am allowed to use the employee entrance and enter the building like a real boy. On those rare instances when I arrive after 8 however, I automatically become a potential terrorist and am forced in the front door, where I must pass through the metal detector and have my bag scanned.
So this means anyone can bring a weapon into the building before 8 am (or if they're a full-time employee any time of the day or night), but apparently not afterward? Am I crazy, or is this profoundly, mind-numbingly stupid?
I feel safer, don't you?
And in case you're wondering, anyone can leave through that entrance…
Tomorrow is the Robot Age!
Sixty years from now they'll look back on today's tech videos and laugh, too.
365 Days of UNF: Day 54
Turnabout Is Fair Play
365 Days of UNF: Day 53
365 Days of UNF: Day 52
Quote Of The Day
President Vladimir Putin is seriously the worst president since President Dick Cheney. ~ John Fugelsang
7 Tips for Mac Users
Shower Thoughts
The body raises its temperature to kill off harmful organisms. That's what the earth is doing with humanity.
365 Days of UNF: Day 51
Quote of the day
There are good people and bad people in the world. The ones who start the fires, and the ones that put them out." ~ Lemony Snicket
Shower Thoughts
There's an exact point where you're the same distance in time away from your birth as you are from your death, and you'll never know when it is.
365 Days of UNF: Day 50
I'm Going To Hell

365 Days of UNF: Day 49
Hello Officer Viana!
Impressive (NSFW)
Gratuitous Zeeko Zaki
Just Because
This is Unfortunate
Counterpart has been cancelled.
While disappointing, this does not come as a complete surprise. While I loved Season One, I found this past season terribly difficult to follow. I rarely knew which universe (Alpha or Prime) things were actually occurring in. Because of tech or architecture, it was easy to tell the two universes apart, but the lines blurred this season. It didn't help matters that the story itself had become so convoluted it would be difficult to follow in a single universe.
But all is not lost. Apparently Season 3 is being shopped to various streaming services.
On another note, I find myself being drawn into yet another Netflix series, The Umbrealla Academy. It's the story of an estranged and very dysfunctional family of superheroes being forced to come together in the wake of their father's death in order to prevent the end of the world.
Released 43 Years Ago Today
The Eagles: Their Greatest Hits (1976)
Released 35 Years Ago Today
The Thompson Twins: into the Gap (1984)