Twice As Many Stars As Usual
Always Remember…
Submitted Without Comment
Unfortunately, #truth
Gratuitous Dan Levy
Two Views
…of Jake Gyllenhaal I don't think any of us would mind seeing in person.
Released 33 Years Ago Today
Pet Shop Boys: Please (1986)
Released 44 Years Ago Today
Chicago: Chicago VIII (1975)
Quote of the Day
And what does it mean—to die? Perhaps man has a hundred senses, and at his death only the five we know perish, while the other ninety-five remain alive." ~ Anton Chekhov
I Am Incorrigible
365 Days of UNF: Day 83
Vintage Audio Porn

Long before portable CDs players became black plastic and ubiquitous in the 90s, the first couple generations of the devices were manly beasts, made of metal and sporting discrete components on their system boards.
This particular model came out about two months after I bought my first portable CD player for a ridiculous $420, a Sony D-7. (I think that was the model; after 34 years the memory fades and I kept no record of it.) I wished I'd held off buying the unit, because this Technics model surpassed it in so many ways and was actually cheaper. Ironically when the time came to replace the D-7 (early adopter, technology riddled with problems), I didn't get the Technics, I bought another Sony, the D-10, which was actually better than the Technics and I remember it being much lighter, even with the external battery pack. The D-10 served me for years, but I still let out a little sigh when I stumble across a picture of the Technics unit. It was a damn good looking piece of tech, and to me more than anything resembled a miniature version of their SL-15 turntable.
Barr Knows
Well, I Did Ask
…for more of this.
At least I now know where those screen caps came from.
I watched the first four episodes of Now Apocalypse on STARZ last night. It's good. It's very good. It's fresh, it's timely, and it's very, very sexy. Gay sex, straight sex, bi sex, solo sex…it doesn't matter, and it's front and center in these ongoing stories of a group of 20-somethings making their way through life in L.A.
And reptilian aliens. We mustn't forget them.
I Am Incorrigible
Caption This
"Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls"
Just Because
"Thor Odinsub" by Randy
365 Days of UNF: Day 82 (NSFW)
National Puppy Day
Take proper care of your pups!
Speaking Of Using a Pack of Tissues…
Can we have more of this, please?
Shower Thoughts
Your mind immediately goes two different places when boys say they used a pack of tissues watching a movie last night versus when girls say it.
365 Days of UNF: Day 81
Released 30 Years Ago Today
Madonna: Like a Prayer (1989)
And as I just mentioned to Ben, this anniversary also means I haven't had a Pepsi for 30 years as well.
When Pepsi dropped Madonna as a spokesperson, citing the "sacreligious" imagery in the Like a Prayer (Jeez, they had no idea what was coming, did they?) video, I swore I would never drink Pepsi again. And I haven't.
365 Days of UNF: Day 80
Too Much Innuendo
Comedy gold from my guilty pleasure:
Marty: This thing has been way harder than I thought.
Marty: It's made me feisty.
Marty: Once more into the breach!
Dan: I exposed enough of it to tell what it was.
Dave: You wanna see it!
Rick: I wanna see it! I want to expose the entire structure.
Jack: How big are we talking?
Clotworthy: A mud-filled void.
Marty: It's still in there, then. Craig: Exactly.
Clotworthy: Taken from the same hole.
Gary: Look at this, Rick.
Marty: You can swing that metal detector.
Charles: You ain't seen nothin' yet. Marty: You ain't seen nothin' yet!!!! Gary: winks at Marty.
Marty: You ready to get after it?
Clotworthy: It is a day of great anticipation for Rick, Marty, and their partners.
Marty: So Craig, are you excited about this? It's been a long time coming.
Craig. Yes, excited and nervous.
Marty: We get to see what your dad has been dreaming about forever, right Dave?
Clotworthy: Each hole will be filled with a small blasting cap.
Rick: We are well on our way to defining a hard target.
Marty: I'm rolling up my sleeves and everything, Gary.
Gary: We pounded this area last year.
Marty: Keep going!!!!
Gary: This is good!!!!
Marty: We have a very mysterious structure under here.
Rick: My hope is that we can expose all of that, or enough of it.
Henskee: First thing is to estimate the diameter. This looks like it was part of something that was pretty large.
Rick: Don't let your imagination run away from you.
Rick: Peter, I designate you to take it there. Peter: I will bring a couple of guys with us.
Gary: It's quite deep as well.
Gary: Give me ten inches, just there mate.
Rick: Oh baby!!!!!
Clotworthy: This will generate a series of seismic pulses deep within the underground test area.
Jack: I didn't understand until I got here how big we were going.
Gauthier (the big guy from Eagle Canada): We were super-excited.
Jeremy (the bald guy from Eagle Canada): At that point where I believe the shaft or opening is.
Rick: I get choked up. You should be proud of yourselves. You hit the mark, you hit the bullseye.
Unidentified Eagle Canada worker: We're gonna chew up that money pit pretty good.
Dr. McFarland (New Brunswick University): We can get it going.
Dr. McFarland (New Brunswick University): Very nice…
Dr. McFarland (New Brunswick University): This is where all the action happens.
Dr. McFarland (New Brunswick University): When I push it in, you will actually see……doink!
Gary: Look at this!!! A fricken' hole!!! (sticks finger in and out of hole in rock). What the heck has someone been doing here?
Gary: You can see where this has been pounded in.
Gary: It's obvious these two holes are connected.
Irving (the suit): We've got a couple of tricks up our sleeve.
Irving (the suit): Here are the engineers, and a couple of guys from the pile-driving department.
Craig: So we said sure, we'll do it with you guys.
Marty: I did see the picture that you sent, and it is exciting!
Rick: This is more about eyes and boots on the ground, getting dirty, jumping in.
Peter: So there's something really big/deep. Mike West (geophysicist with
GPR): Yeah, this isn't a subtle response.
Gary: You never ever know what is going to come out of your next hole.
Rick: Gary reached in, and there you go.