Quote of the Day
I am not young enough to know everything." ~ J.M. Barrie
Released 42 Years Ago Today
Star Wars OST (1977)
Remember when soundtracks came out after the movie so as not to give anything away?
365 Days of UNF: Day 150
Released 35 Years Ago Today
Tina Turner: Private Dancer (1984)
365 Days of UNF: Day 149
Released 37 Years Ago Today
Roxy Music: Avalon (1982)
I'm Going To Hell
"Mmm…medical grade. That will make it easy to wash all the blood down the drain."
365 Days of UNF: Day 148
Gratuitous Cory Miller
The cute bearcub contractor on HGTV's Good Bones.
365 Days of UNF: Day 147
Two Years With This Piece of Crap
It seems a lot longer.
SO Tired.
The Shade
Then the BURN…
"I am Groot!"
So Stop Trying!
And I Don't Even Have a Cat!
Vintage Audio Porn

I Want This on a T-Shirt
365 Days of UNF: Day 146
On Instagram "Influencers" and Getting Old
Once upon a time—not too long ago—I viewed so called Instagram "Influencers" (you know, gorgeous young men who don't seem to have an actual job other than to travel the world taking shirtless selfies in exotic locations) with an equal part disgust and envy. (Probably more envy than disgust, TBH.) But I had a sort of epiphany, and that was, "You go gurl! Work it like you own it for as long as you can. Your perfect skin, your immaculately trimmed beard, your perky nips, fuzzy pecs, sculpted abs and continually-bulging speedo may allow you to skate through life now, but they—like your youth—won't last forever. You might as well get as much out of it while you can, because one day you're going to walk past a mirror and see an old man staring back at you and wonder how he got in your house and where the last thirty years went."
Spoken like a true curmudgeon on the eve of his sixty-first birthday, amiright?
While I never considered myself good looking—even in my twenties and thirties—I still managed to attract enough men into my life whom I considered good looking, and if the technology had been available then, I too might've posted gratuitous photos of myself and my friends like the current generation is doing. I think it's something in the human psyche that allows us to pretend we're not really getting older—until something happens to slap us in the face and force us to realize we aren't going to be 25 forever. For me it was the cancer diagnosis at 45, and while I came though the ordeal for the most part intact, it did force a total psychological reevaluation of my life that allowed me to prioritize what was really important and to open a space into in my heart that Ben would eventually come to occupy; something for which I will be be eternally grateful.
Everything for a reason, as they say.
But even after that, I've remained in a certain state of denial about this whole aging thing. Even when I turned 60 last year, it was no big deal. This year, however, I'm really starting to feel those decades catching up with me. Even admitting my age on this here blog thingie is a big deal; for the last fifteen years like any proper lady, I've preferred to maintain an air of mystery regarding the actual number. But fuck it all. "I am who I am" and all that. Retirement—something I never gave much thought to (to my detriment)—is only a few short years away, a milestone that screams, "You're OLD" like nothing else.
I suppose that's where a lot of that envy of these so-called influencers comes from. I've been lucky in that for most of my adult life I'd been judged to be ten years younger than I actually was. It's still happening, (people at work thought I was in my early 50s), but when I look in the mirror or see photographs of myself, all I see is old and more and more of my father (who I didn't resemble at all when I was younger) coming out with each passing year.
Still, despite confronting that stranger in the mirror every morning, I am thankful to still be above ground, and every day that I remain so is a good one. And while I may not be shaking my booty in the clubs on the weekends or traveling the world showing off a gym-toned physique, I did have my own time in the sun, and truth be told, I did work it for all it was worth—even if I wasn't conscious of doing it.
So you go gurls. Work it. Work it for all it's worth, so when you look back on the memories it will bring a smile to your face as mine do for me.
It's Always In Fuckin' Russia
"Researchers have made another incredible discovery in Labinsk, Russia. According to scholars this discovery marks the beginning of a completely new history, one that many ancient alien theorists have been talking about for years. The object that researchers have found is believed to be some sort of ancient microchip and according to researchers, this ancient microchips dates back millions of years. After countless tests, researchers have come to the conclusion that this antique piece was used as some sort of microchip in ancient times.
"The problem is its age, according to tests, the artifact is believed to be between 225 and 250 million years old. Some researchers believe that the dating of the artifact is not entirely accurate given the fact that you cannot date rock, and the tests were based on traces of organic material found around the mystery "chip". The million dollar question is, who and what used a microchip that dates back 250 million years? Is there a possibility that this is in fact the remains of ancient technology? Technology that belonged to a highly advanced civilization that inhabited Earth millions of years ago? Or is there a possibility that this artifact did not originate from Earth, but on another planet, belonging to an extraterrestrial race."
Probably another fake, or something easily explained without all the Ancient Astronaut/Civilization nonsense. One commenter pointed out it was a actually a fossilized sea lilly, something I'm far more likely to accept than a 250 million year old microchip.
I'm Going To Hell
"I told you we were gonna do anal. I just didn't say when."
Quote of the Day
Donald Trump is not trying to get impeached. He does not want to be impeached, and he definitely does not have a sophisticated dastardly plot to turn his impeachment into greater personal power or as a strategy to create a more solidified and motivated political base. He does not have a sophisticated dastardly plot to do anything, or any other kind of plot. The man is not capable of sophistication, or any but the basest sensation-seeking dastardliness; it's all he can do to get the fast food from its cardboard container to the appropriate face-hole. He is a big stupid idiot, is what I am saying, and he likes things that feel good and wants them right now and doesn't like things that don't feel good and doesn't want them ever, and that is the extent of him. ~ Albert Burneko
Speaking of Catchers in Love (NSFW)
Whatever happened to Samuel O'Toole?
After running across those kissin' catchers last night it got me to wondering what happened to Samuel O'Toole. At one point it seemed he was everywhere, the new "it" boy, and then…nothing. Gone. Vanished.
My internet search revealed a lot more info than I would've liked, including hopelessly dashing my fantasies about the boy. Apparently bisexual strictly gay-for-pay, he supposedly was not especially enamored of the clientele who purchased his work, engaged in much high drama with his studio, and eventually left the biz completely to take a job at Home Depot. From the "adult entertainers" with whom I've had…um…intimate…relations, I can attest to the high drama quotient and find it all believable. It's sad to learn all this other stuff about him however, because, as someone who has somewhat of a not-insignificant sideburn fetish, he certainly pushed all my buttons.
42 Years Ago Today
20th Century Fox released a little movie called Star Wars.
In some ways it seems like only yesterday; in others, like a different lifetime.