Is This What It Means To Get Old?

As I was crossing the street this afternoon after leaving work, I heard, "Hi Mark!" from behind me. I turned to see a middle-aged slightly asian woman coming up at my side.

"Oh hi," I said, not wanting to be rude, but also not having a fucking clue who she was.

She looked familiar, but I couldn't place a name or even come up with how I obviously knew her.

"I didn't know you worked at _____________," she said. "I thought you worked somewhere over there," wildly gesticulating in the general direction we were walking.

Since we both got on the elevator for the employee-only parking garage, she obviously worked for the same entity I did, but I have absolutely no memory of ever having met her.

Was she a current coworker whose computer issue I'd fixed and then promptly forgot? Was she a former coworker who was now working at the same place I was?

I am truly at a loss.

If I run into her again I won't play coy; I'll tell her I can't recall her name or even how we know each other…

Released 39 Years Ago Today

Grace Jones: Warm Leatherette (1980)

My favorite—or maybe second favorite—Grace Jones album. I can never definitively say if this or Nightclubbing is my favorite. They're both so good they could easily have been released as a double LP.

Hillary Was Right

As if you need to be told.

From John Pavlovitz:

Hillary Clinton was right about everything.

She was right when she warned us that Donald Trump was in bed with Russia.
She was right when she said our election process was being irreparably compromised.
She was right when she noted his cruelty, his impulsiveness, and his recklessness.
She was right when she suggested he was beholden to a murderous foreign dictator.
She was right when she told us that he was dangerously incapable of self-control on social media.
She was right when she pointed out the toxic hatred he was cultivating and releasing in people.
She was right when she noticed the way he was dragging national discourse into the toilet.

And she was right was when she called his supporters "deplorables."

At the time of the statement in 2016, she was unfairly excoriated in the media and by Republicans—but looking back she was using sober judgement, measured speech, and incredible restraint:

"To just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic – you name it."

They are.

In the wake of the police shootings of black men, the street corner assaults on gay couples, the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, the defacing of synagogues, the burning of black churches, the mistreatment of migrant families—Trump's supporters daily reveal their phobic hearts and their willingness to ignore vulnerable people's suffering.

"And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people – now have 11 million."

He has.

He continually cries "fake news" about the legitimate Press, while disseminating the wildest of conspiracy theories from extremists media outlets, previously and rightly marginalized because they appealed to only the tiniest lunatic fringe.

"He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric."

He does.

Just look at his Twitter feed at any moment during the past three years, and you'll find the unhinged, incendiary ramblings of a supremacist, terrorist sympathizer—whose account under any other circumstance—would be deactivated for its hate speech, its purposeful targeting of individuals, and its steady invocation to violence.

In 2016, Hillary was being prophetic.

She used the word "deplorable," to describe people who would soon:
applaud Muslim travel bans,
celebrate families separated at the border,
abide children being placed in cages,
demonize teenage shooting victims,
defiantly deny the value of black lives,
vilify sexual assault survivors,
bless a predator to the Supreme Court,
cheer Presidential rally cries of shooting immigrants,
approve of the suppressing of Special Counsel reports,
sanction the complete perversion of our Rule of Law.

Deplorable, was being kind. I have many other words for such people, and they're much stronger and far less diplomatic than that.

Hillary closed her now infamous comments by saying,

"Now, some of those folks—they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America."

Well, she was about half right.

These people may not be America, but they represent a good 38 percent of it. That's far too much of any nation aspiring to greatness. As long as more than a third of our country blesses such malfeasance and tolerates this kind of toxicity in the name of holding power, we're going to continue to regress into chaos and implosion.

When Hillary Clinton said that half of Trump's supporters were deplorables, she was in essence claiming them to be filled with contempt for others, motivated by fear, and driven to exclusion. She may have been right in that moment—but the percentage today is actually much higher.

Anyone still supporting him has deluded themselves into an alternate reality that makes them incapable of compassion or reasonable dialogue. All that they have seen from this President and his cadre of grifters and criminals, hasn't proven alarming enough to wake them into decency or rouse their humanity alive.

Hillary wasn't name-calling, she was accurately describing the kind of inhumanity we are now seeing as people's default setting. Given their support of a man who regularly uses phrases like "Crazy Maxine," "Pocahontas," "Pencil Neck"— or "Crooked Hillary," their feigned offense at her supposedly offensive language was and is a laughably hypocritical anyway.

No, Hillary was telling the truth, as difficult as it is to admit. She was diagnosing a collective sickness that afflicts a terrifying number of Americans. The woman who should currently be helming this nation was right about far too many things, and not enough of us listened.

Hatred, bigotry, supremacy, misogyny, and violent phobia are indeed sickening and repugnant and reprehensible and yes, deplorable—or at least they should be.

Recent Acquisitions

I saw this disc on an Instagram post and had to have it. It's always been a favorite film and soundtrack of mine, so seeing it on Tiffany-blue vinyl was all I needed. Tracking down this particular pressing was a bit more difficult. I bought one from that was listed as "blue vinyl," but it was actually royal blue, not this gorgeous teal.

Of course, I hadn't favorited it on Instagram, so tracking it down again was a bit of a chore, but after messaging the owner I got the specific record label and catalog number and was able to find it that way.

I don't know what prompted me to seek this one out, but I'm glad I did.

Shower Thoughts

You know you're getting old when you're more worried of the property damage in superhero movies than impressed by the heroes' actual feats.

I Wonder Whatever Happened to the Old Girl

I saw this photo the other day and it brought back a lot of memories. I had this same bicycle throughout my high school and college years and it got me everywhere. It was my first "major" purchase as a teenager and became my pride and joy. I seem to remember obsessing over her cleanliness and function, spending every weekend dutifully washing and waxing her into a stupor. I used it to cruise through the neighborhoods being built near our house and learn how houses went together. It got me to and from high school and all over the UofA campus.

She fell into disuse and was cast aside after I moved out of my folks' house, ending up with my sister. I last remember seeing the old girl (the bicycle, not my sister, you bitches!) on a trip back to Tucson in 1989. I wish I'd returned with her, but I'd flown and certainly wasn't going to have the bike shipped. In the intervening years, I believe she was shipped off to Goodwill or The Salvation Army. My sister may have even asked if I wanted to keep her, but I'm sure I stupidly said no.

Quote of the Day

I've been thinking…since it's clear the the Constitution doesn't mean anything anymore, and politicians who don't feel like following the law can just ignore it, Obama 2020!" ~ Wil Wheaton

Bonding Over Phillip Glass

My first week back in the old department went well. They made some changes in the seating arrangement, and while still not ideal, I do feel like I have a modicum of privacy now.

The girl (whom I'd referred to as the Comicon chick prior to my return) whose cube my desk intrudes upon is cool with it. She'd been out for two months on medical leave, so returning to work to discover that her entire layout had been rearranged to accommodate this interloper was probably the least of her concerns.

She plays music during the day at a low volume; not really low enough you can't hear it, but not loud enough that it's annoying. On Wednesday I heard Phillip Glass playing and I turned around and said, "Is that Phillip Glass?"

"Oh my god…you know who Phillip Glass is?!?"

And I dare say that was the beginning of a wonderful work friendship.

Turns out she's a lot more hard core about Glass than I am; she has all his albums (whereas I have only a dozen or so), has been to numerous live concerts, and has even met the man…five times.

She's Star Wars. I'm Doctor Who. We respect each other's fandoms.

Work itself hasn't been bad. I have a few roadblocks at the moment: no phone and the inability to drive a company vehicle to the various remote sites. This limits the things I can do—or at least limits the speed at which I can get things accomplished. My supervisor is working on both items, so once that's in place I can return to my usual efficiency.

And we had a fire drill last week. I'm on the fifth floor now, and all I can say is thank the gods I wasn't on nineteen like I had been. My knees don't do well with stairs—in either direction—and 24 hours later my calves and knees are both loudly complaining about those five flights I had to scramble down. Hey, I'm not 25 any more!