If Only…


5 states in the US have banned abortion from the point of heartbeat detection. Following that logic, I propose two additional policies:

1. Child support starts at the same point, including 50% of all medical bills

2. If the mother dies in mandated childbirth OR the child is stillborn, the father and doctor are charged with involuntary manslaughter.

3. Pregnant women can't be in jail because the fetus would be in jail, and since it's a full human you would be punishing an innocent person

See how keen they are on their "Pro-life" horseshit then.

Released 44 Years Ago Today

Sumeria: Golden Tears (1978)

This was one of the more…bizarre…releases from Alec Costandinos. It tells the story of an alien traveler who lives until he finds true love and then dies by crying gold tears.

Hey, it was disco. It was 1978.

It Never Fails

I glanced at the forecast Saturday morning. No rain for the next two weeks. So I figured it was safe to wash the car. (It had been months.)

What did I see on the forecast yesterday? Rain during this morning's commute. I bitched to Ben about it via text and he responded, "I'm going to start calling you Tialoc. And yes, I had to look that up."

I said to Ben, "You know it's just gonna spit; just enough to get the car dirty."

This is more than just spitting.

So frustrating.

A Photo

…taken before a walk in the woods later that day which will either be denied for the rest of their lives or be included as part of their wedding album.