Once a legitimate blog. Now just a collection of memes 'n menz.
…Ben and I are not the only ones who—despite the blatant racism, misogyny, and homophobia present in Supernatural (at least the early seasons; we still haven't gotten that far into it), there is a not so subtle homoeroticism as well.
I suppose that unsurprisingly goes along with the frat mentality of their target audience. "It's not gay if our dicks don't touch!"
Out of curiosity, the other night I googled Supernatural slash, and imagine my surprise. There's even a term for it: Wincest.
As George Takei would say… "Oh my!"
Now if they'd only get past their daddy issues and fuck for Chrissake!
I stumbled across "The Morgan Brothers" on my Instagram some time ago and as much as I've wanted to, I've been resisting the urge to check out their Only Fans because…well…their Insta was giving off a certain…vibe…that promised more than what that platform would allow, and if we're gonna be honest here, what (non-twin, at least) gay man does not fantasize about a bit of twincest now and then? (Yes, I am the KING of run-on sentences.)
Well, imagine my disappointment when my curiosity finally got the better of me and I broke down and paid the admission fee. Not only was there no twincest going on behind that pay wall, but there were precious few fully exposed and erect penises—and then only rarely with both of them in the same shot. Plenty of movies of them showering (individually, but never together), no jerk-off movies (even solo), no cum-spurting pix, and most of the time even the dick pix had their fists covering the tips.
I mean seriously, guys. WTF? If I slap down money for your Only Fans, I want to see smut, not more pix of each of you individually preening in front of a mirror.
Needless to say I canceled the subscription immediately.
It is my opinion (like it matters) that the smartest thing the Iranians could do is…nothing. Yes, nothing. They—and the rest of the world—know they're dealing with a mentally-incompetent, narcissistic madman who cares about no one and nothing beyond himself (and between his daughter's legs) and is desperate to turn attention away from his Impeachment by any means possible. The Iranians are the ones who must not escalate, because if they do, I fear the entire Middle East—and the rest of the planet—will end up one big radioactive wasteland.
My biggest fear however, is that the Iranians will not be smart. I doubt there will be an immediate retaliation; we'll hear nothing from them for months, thinking that all has been forgiven, and then WHAM! Another 9/11 and all bets are off. China and Russia get involved and then it's game over. I just hope that I and my loved ones are at ground zero when the bombs start falling, because the last thing I want is for any of us to have to live through the post-apocalyptic nightmare that will follow.
I think he's a maniac. I think Adam Schiff is a deranged human being. I think he grew up with a complex for lots of reasons that are obvious. I think he's a very sick man. And he lies." ~ Donald J. Trump, 3 December 2019
I wanted to love it. I really did. After forty two years, the venerable STAR WARS saga wrapped up with The Rise of Skywalker. And yet, last night as I walked out of the theater, I was left with an ill-defined disappointment.
I will, however, give it a solid 7 out of 10. Maybe 7.5. It answered some long-standing questions and paid homage to pretty much every franchise trope ever created, but I—someone who stood in 100 degree Arizona heat for hours to see the first three movies in the 70s and 80s—honestly found myself struggling to give a crap about much of anything that was happening on screen. I appreciate how they paid homage to the late, great Carrie Fisher and were able to integrate her into the film (which was originally intended to be "her" film after featuring Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill's characters in the previous two films) by utilizing existing footage shot for other films and not resorting to CGI, but not even that was able to reach in and grab the heartstrings the way those first three films did. Even seeing the opening crawl and hearing the familiar John Williams' score failed to move me the way they had in times past.
And some of the storyline decisions…
From Jezebel (spoilers ahead; highlight to read):
The Rise of Skywalker is a return to history, but a sloppy one at that. It's more fan service for the older movies than a fitting end for the characters introduced in The Force Awakens. Instead of propelling these characters forward, it yanks them back to the past in ways that truly do not make sense (How is Palpatine still alive and how did he have kids? How did young Leia have a vision that her son would be saved by someone else using her lightsaber in Skywalker, but then still be adamant about putting him through Jedi training in TLJ despite knowing he'd turn dark?). In addition to this baffling attempt to end storylines from ages ago—storylines believed to already have been ended—The Rise of Skywalker doesn't even stick to its own creative choices. There are moments where the stakes are raised, like when Rey kills Chewie, C3PO's memory is wiped, or when Hux is revealed to be the spy from the First Order, but then are immediately undone or resolved, with no lingering or greater thought. It's as if this movie is meant to please without putting anyone at risk. No death feels real. No sacrifice or victory feels earned.
Let's just leave it at that.
I am certainly not the same, naive nineteen year old I was in 1977. I've changed. The world has changed since those heady days. And that may be one of the reasons I was so emotionally unmoved by this last film.
I'm glad I lived to see it. To be honest, one of the things that played a big mental role in me beating cancer in 2003 was the thought that I couldn't die yet…there were still four more movies coming out!
And FYI, I'm definitely Team FinnPoe. There was just such an…energy…between those two, especially during the first fifteen minutes or so of the film, that pinged my little homoerotic heart.
Should you see it? Yes. For completion if nothing else. Will I see it again? Undoubtedly. (But probably not until It appears on Netflix.)
From our house to your's!