Quote of the Day
In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do." ~ C.S. Lewis
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 254
Because It's True
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 253 (NSFW)
Quote of the Day
He doesn't understand people's bravery and courage because he's never had any of his own." ~ Senator Tammy Duckworth, Iraq War Veteran, responding to the Orange Russian Wig Stand's claim that veterans who died in service of this country are "losers."
You Can Save America in 8 Hours
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 252

How Much Data?
Byte – one grain of rice
Kilobyte – one cup of rice
Megabyte – 8 bags of rice
Gigabyte – 3 container trucks
Terabyte – 2 container ships
Petabyte – covers Manhattan
Exabyte – covers the UK (3 times)
Zettabyte – fills the Pacific Ocean
(h/t to David Wellman at Myriad Genetics)
Oh, Hai!
Karens, Everywhere
I am honestly shocked this did not occur in the United States, but rather in Ukraine.
Bitch, You Asked Me!
You Know The Drill
It's No Wonder…
…Kirk was having such trouble with those modern dance routines.
In These Uncertain Times…
I'm Sure The Bug Will Be Corrected In The Next OS Release
You Know You've Lost When…
And Your Point Is?
Well, It's Not Untrue…
Look It Up. You Know It's True.
Orange Caligula is in For a Rude Awakening
You don't ever disrespect the United States Military and think there won't be repercussions.
Playlists…and My Failing Memory
Because the entertainment center on my MINI isn't exactly cutting edge, playing music from my iPhone requires an expensive (and frankly, ridiculous) adapter that both supplies power and allows playback simultaneously. It wouldn't be such a pain if Apple hadn't—in their infinite wisdom, dictating how we should use our devices—gotten rid of the headphone jack a few years back. Power and signal were two separate cables that worked even in my old MINI.
The other option with this system is to play music through a USB stick. This is the method I've been using because it works and only requires copying the music files over from my Mac.
The one feature I haven't been able to figure out until recently, however, was how to get my playlists from my Mac into the MINI. A bit of internet sleuthing and an inexpensive bit of software allowed me to export the iTunes (excuse me, Apple Music) playlists to that USB stick.
Problem was, they didn't work. In fact, they weren't even recognized by the MINI. It turns out it's because the playlists are based on the file structure on my Mac—not the structure on the USB. Looking at the actual text embedded in the playlists revealed that undocumented fact, so I've spent the last several hours correcting paths on the stick to reflect where the actual files are located.*
My dance music playlists are by year, and while editing these playlist files, I discovered I have a lot (and I mean a lot) of the same songs listed in multiple years. Horror of horrors, but it should be an easy matter of sorting them out, right?
Not so fast. Back in the day I could create mix cassettes and organize the tunes by seasons. Now I'm having trouble remembering what year these tunes were in heavy rotation—never mind if it was summer or autumn.
The original mix cassettes that would've definitively nailed this down are long gone and the friends I lived through this period with are long dead, so I can't reference either of them, so I've done what any normal, aging disco queen would do: I just left the lists as they were. I mean, does it really matter if Come Into My Heart/Baby Love was getting heavy play in 1978 or 1979? With so many other things going on in the world, this is the least of my concerns and I should just sit back and enjoy the tunes and the memories—even if I can't attach them to a specific month and year any more.
*It should be noted I haven't actually tested this yet, but I can't imagine the problem being anything else.
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 251
This is so true, especially in the days before cell phones and digital photography. On those rare occasions when I want to remind myself of what a truly horrible person I was prior to my cancer diagnosis and start reading through my journals, I run across names of men I had dated and were absolutely obsessed with—but for whom I am totally unable to conjure forth a mental image.
And it's not just the dated-but-ultimately-went-nowhere guys in my journals. I had friends in the 70s, 80s, and even 90s—good friends—for whom I have not a single photo. I at least retain somewhat of a memory of their faces and their smiles, but it saddens me I have nothing tangible to refer to. Was it the cost of the film and the developing? Possibly, but I don't honestly know. I have tons of photos of other shit from those years, but for some reason the people closest to me are totally absent.