366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 294
"Only the Best People"
It's the Only Explanation
Oh Snap!
Then and Now
More fun from Shorpy and Google Street View:

With the Homoerotic Undertones Already Running Through the Show…
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It's almost too easy to make anything from Supernatural gay.
Dadbods Doing Dad Things
Quote of the Day
Libraries literally aren't just a place to obtain books for free. They're one of the few public spaces left in our society where you're allowed to exist without the expectation of spending money." ~ Amanda Killian
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 293
Film Noir
Ben, in the kitchen, removing plastic wrap from cucumber: "I just took the condom off the cucumber." [chopping]
Me, in the den: "What?"
Ben: "Oh, did you want the condom on the cucumber?"
Me: "No, I like it raw."
End scene.
Don't Cancel Halloween!
Discovered over at Fearsome Beard's cave:
Quote of the Day
If you truly believe America is it's people, not it's politicians, then stop treating your vote like you're supporting one person or another. You're voting for the ideals and beliefs of opportunity, fairness, compassion, equality, for yourself and your friends, family, and community." ~ Sassybear from Idle Eyes and a Dormy
366 (It's a Leap Year Boys) Days of UNF: Day 292
Save That Shit For When You're On The Clock
Time to Take Out the Trash
Words of Wisdom
There is Not One Journalist Out There…
…with the balls to stand up and do this.
Vote Blue all the way down the ballot. END THIS INSANITY.
Fifteen Seconds of Zen
Thanks, Joe!

Every. Last. Word.
A Word from Charles Pierce
And I Dare Say They Aren't Voting Republican
No more debates. That's it. If you don't know by now, I don't know what to tell you.
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 291