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366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 361
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 360
If the Last Month Has Shown Me Anything…
…it's that we have absolutely no control over our lives. And our sense of security and…consistency in our affairs…is an illusion. It can all come crashing down at any moment.
I would normally use this day-before-Christmas post to wish everyone a very happy holiday tomorrow, but frankly my dear readers, I have no Christmas sprit at all this year.
This photo perfectly sums up my mood at the moment.
Despite the fact we've secured a new place to live and will be taking possession on January 1st and a slew of new furniture will be delivered on the 2nd, we still have no idea when all our other possessions and the rest of our clothing will be cleaned and returned to us. The logistics of all this has been a nightmare. And we won't even discuss the four of us living in his hotel room. Ben's stressed. I'm stressed. The dogs are stressed. I've been on the verge of tears all day.
My friend Cindy—who went through this herself many years ago—has told me that shopping for new things will be fun, and to some degree it is, but more than anything it's just making me angry. We're being forced to replace things we never would have had to if our landlord had taken the simplest of safety precautions when installing that fucking water heater.
Fuck James.
I Say We Take Off and Nuke the Entire Site from Orbit.
It's the only way to be sure.
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 359
Quote of the Day
Gun Show
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 358
…what have you done?
I Never Get These
I certainly would've picked other photos for my Top 9 Instas of 2020, but whatever…

2020 just needs fuck right off.
Traditional wisdom says that you should be able to sense when a loved one has died.
I'm here to say that's a lie.
I found out this evening that my dear friend Floyd passed last October. And before you ask, no, it wasn't COVID. It was his heart, and he went in his sleep.
Floyd left behind his husband Ron, with whom he'd shared his life for the last 40 years and many grieving friends, myself among them.
Floyd and I met January 28, 1983. Despite it being a Friday night I wasn't planning on going out. As I recall it had been an exhausting week and I wanted nothing more than to simply stay home and unwind.
But I stepped outside that evening, saw the most incredible full moon rising above the Rincon Mountains east of Tucson, and something told me in no uncertain terms to go out. There was, as they say, magic afoot.
My destination was The Fineline, a relatively new dance club on Drachman Street. I'd been there with my partner Dennis, numerous times, but since we'd split up a two months earlier and he took off for Austin, this was one of the first times I'd gone there by myself.
And hell, I was young and in a state of perpetual hormonal arousal, so why not?
I'd been working out (believe it or not) since Dennis left and I was feeling good about my body and the way I looked. I radiated a certain amount of confidence and it didn't take long for Floyd and I to gravitate to one another. He was there with his partner, Ron, putting a damper on any thoughts of immediately scampering off to get nasty. But Floyd assured me they had an open relationship and while nothing would be happening between us that night, he was definitely interested in getting together. We exchanged phone numbers.
Later that same night I met Lee, a friend whom I've written about before, thus cementing the magic of that night in my life.
Floyd called me the next morning. We had phone sex. Floyd was a dirty, dirty boy and I loved it. We hung out a lot in the weeks that followed. As we discovered our shared taste in music and culture, a genuine friendship and affection bloomed between us. That's not to say the physical attraction waned; if anything it remained constant, and over the years we became infrequent fuck buddies, all—somewhat surprisingly—with Ron's blessing. Even during my San Francisco years we remained in touch, with Floyd traveling to The City numerous times on business.

After I returned to Phoenix and made it through the cancer ordeal, I started driving to Tucson to visit the guys on a semi-regular basis. I had a new car and if for no other reason I needed to reconnect with the friends who knew me best while putting my life back together.
Floyd and I called each other Dolly (from our shared love of Personal Services.) I'd call him up and say, "Dolly, I need to get out of town for a while. Are you and Ron free?" and depending on the answer, I'd hop in Anderson and make the 90 minute drive south. I remember one insane Saturday when I drove down to help with some computer issues, brought his PC back home to repair, and then returned it later that day.
Floyd did the same sort of spontaneous trips north, and one of my favorite memories were the two separate times he (and a few weeks later with Ron) came up to Phoenix and we shot photos at Arizona Falls.

Shortly before Ben and I left for Denver, Floyd and Ron fell on some very hard times. They both lost their longtime jobs, were unable to find work, lost everything they'd built together, and were forced to move in with Ron's sister. Through it all we stayed in touch, they stayed together, and when they'd gotten back on their feet and Ben and I moved back from Denver, talked of a weekend visit but it seemed life was continually getting in the way and one thing or another always prevented it.
When it finally seemed we were going to be able to coordinate a visit, COVID hit, killing our plans again. I last spoke with Floyd in September, when he called to tell me that Abe, a mutual friend from our University of Arizona days, had passed.
Floyd, Ron, Abe and I used to joke that when we got old and retired we'd buy a big house together and disgracefully spend our twilight years like the Golden Girls.
The best laid plans of mice, men, and queens…
Though we went through periods when we didn't see each other, or even talk much other than an occasional text or email, Floyd was one of those people in my life I just knew would always be there…and now he's not. I think that's why this has hit me so hard. His impish grin, that devilish twinkle in his eye, and his extensive…vocabulary…will be so sorely missed. More than with any other death that's hit my life (and yes, sadly that includes my parents and my first partner, Dennis), I feel like a part of me has been ripped out and there's nothing but an empty hole remaining.
As I get older, it's becoming more and more apparent to me that you need to tell the people you love that you love them every damn day, because they can be taken from you at any moment.
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 357
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 366 (NSFW)
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 355
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: day 354

Not Resettled Yet, But…
…we're on our way.
Saw this place last week. Put in an application and got word yesterday that we were approved. Documents are being drawn up today. It's at the upper edge of our financial comfort zone (and frankly may be renting above market value for the area), but we both really like it and hope we can call this place home for many, many years to come.
3 bedrooms (including one downstairs that can be converted to Ben's sleeping quarters when the time comes for his knee replacements), 3 baths (overkill, but whatever), 2-car garage, laundry, nice patio area, and NO yard maintenance.
We have friends who live in this development, and we've always wanted a place there, but I wish it could've happened without all the drama of the past three (has it only been three?!?) weeks. Sometimes however, the Universe has to deliver a kick in the backside for your to overcome your inertia…
A Proper Ornithopter
Because god only knows if we're ever going to see Denis Villeneuve's vision…
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 353
Where's the Lie?
A Very Positive Outlook
"But you are, Blanche! You are in that chair!
366 (It's a Leap Year, Boys) Days of UNF: Day 352

College Life
Hey boy…
You don't have to sit there by yourself with that thing tenting your shorts. It's a university library. You know there's a restroom somewhere in that building where you can get it taken care of, right?