Teenage Dreams

I may have posted this before, but you know what? I have no fucks left to give.

This was my dream car in 1974. My bestie who lived across the street was a Firebird man. Unfortunately, while his parents gifted him a new Firebird for his 16th, there was no Camaro sitting in our driveway when I turned 16. Even today I let out a little sigh whenever I see one of these antiques on the highway, as dated as the design may be now.

I'm Not a Gaymer…or even a Gamer

But once upon a time a certain game did capture my attention.

Anyone remember Obsidian? It was the late 90s…

I don't remember if I actually made it all the way through the game or not, but I found these screen caps I made in July 1998 while going through some archives this evening. I do seem to remember trying to load the game around 2008 or so on the Dell I had at the time and the game just refused to run no matter what I did.

(I think it's far more likely that the boss is saying, "Listen…what just happened in the toilet stays between you and me, right?")