The Sun…

The Sun is probably the closest thing we'll ever have to a true Eldritch Abomination. Hear me out here:

    • Older than recorded history; was here longer than any of us and will be here long after we leave. Has a finite beginning and end but is still incomprehensibly ancient
    • Burns itself into your vision instantly and can blind you if you look for too long
    • Further prolonged exposure can cause cancerous growths
    • Non-humanoid shape floating through space; colossal flaming tentacles angrily lash out on occasion
    • Sort of just appeared one day and is now surrounded by the corpses of its stillborn children
    • People used to sacrifice other people to appease it
    • Pretty sure it screams at us sometimes


I Don't Care…

…if Jordan is gay, bi, straight, questioning, non-binary or whatever. He's damn pretty and ticks all the boxes.

Work it while you've got it, boy—because it ain't gonna last forever.

I Mean…

…over the past forty-five years it's a given that it's happened at least once!