No Wonder Republicans are Against It
Because It's True
This is Not the Future We Were Promised
Breaking News
Unfortunately, Too Many of Them Have Already Spawned
If Only
Oh Hai!
He's Adorable
I Don't Know About You, But…
And Then I Woke Up
Good to the Last Drop (NSFW)
I Could Live There
Who Wants Cake?
Are You Fucking Serious?
I received this little gem from my supervisor yesterday, to be filled out "by the end of the week."
As I mentioned a while back, our new department boss has a hard-on for training and professional development.
Not once in my long and illustrious career has any sort of this bullshit training benefitted me in any way.
I'm really fighting the urge under Description of Career Goals to write, "RETIREMENT."
Just Another Vax Meme
This Looks Like Fun
365 Days of UNF: Day 237
I Have a Theory
I have a theory about why everything just seems to be going to shit these days.
And yes, I know this sounds crazy.
Last year Gaia, The Universe, The Divine Spirit…fate…whatever you want to call it…presented humanity a unique chance to change direction through the first wave of COVID. It was nasty, but it felt like we were growing as a society. We locked down. We started treating each other with a little more compassion. We generally stayed/worked from home, and allowed the air above the cities to clear and nature to heal a bit. Social injustices were brought to the forefront of our consciousness in a way we couldn't ignore.  But in our hubris, the powers that be (i.e. capitalism) decreed that our society had to return to the malfunctioning state it was in previously—sooner rather than later—and look at the mess we're in now. And those voices, rather than admitting their mistakes, are digging their heels in even further. (I'm looking at you, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, and other wanna-be Trump inheritors who would seemingly prefer to kill of their constituents rather than admit they were wrong.)
We were given a new path last year, and it seems that as a whole humanity has done a 180 and whoever is running this thing called life looked us right in the eye and said…
Not a magic word, but the grace to accept and embrace change. I mean, we started to, and for a while things were looking good. But then came the crazy, the greed, the foolishness of humanity that once again took hold and threw us back to where we were before all this started. As a species, and particularly as a civilization, we've fucked up.
And that is why it seems that every. damn. day. something is either going wrong, breaking down, or generally not doing what's expected. We had a chance to change direction, and when it was rejected, Mr. Nedry popped up and said, "Ah, ah, ah…"