Dear Baby Gay…

Golden Eras are a myth. Don't believe the party was better 15 minutes before you arrived. Your dance floors can survive the apocalypse but your spaces are always in danger. Love your bars and backup your pictures often. You
come from poets but lack the vocabulary for shame and addiction. Don't drink on an angry stomach. If an older man offers you meth knowing it's your first time, he is not your friend. You may be what a loved one loses on their way to
rock bottom. Queerness is not an immunity to white and not be told enough how beautiful your femininity is. You don't need to slave at a gym to be loved. If your body is all you have to offer, you'll always come up short. Everyone thinks everyone is having more sex. Hookup apps are just one tool in an arsenal, so learn the art of the cruise. Sex work is work. You can love it, but if you hate it, it can steal your soul. Covid-19 is your second pandemic. The AIDS crisis was not a punishment, it was neglect. Homophobia is rooted in jealousy. Yes, it gets better, but also impossible in ways you cannot imagine, because this world lacks the imagination for people like you. Entire religions have called you their end and drained you of deities, but there will always be enough Sundays for your Queer divinity.

(Found on the internet)

Letters From the Past

The other day I received a package in the mail from my long time friend Kekku. We met back in 1985 when we were working in a shared architectural space and since we were both a little—out there—we quickly became partners in crime (something our respective firms did not appreciate).

In this package was a devilish face mask and two letters I'd mailed her back in the early 90s. They offer an interesting peek into the past and what a different person I was 30 years ago…



World AIDS Day

As is my tradition every December 1st, I remember…

Kent Kelly

Ken Cohen

Steve Golden

Dennis Shelpman

Jim Hagen

Chuck Krahe

Marty Kamner

Michael Nelson

Jim Nye

Kevin Ohm

Rick King

Ron Aiazzi

Grant Neilsen

Ric Hathaway

David Koston

Kim Holstein

Russ Alvarez

Ben Walzer
Ken Borg
Harold Gates
Jim Girard
Keith Roseberry
Tom Farrel
Peter Whitman
Chuck Mayer
Richard Gulliver
Scott Woods
Bobby Farina
Brian Lea
Fred Sibinic
Steve McCollom
John Trapp
Philip Ruckdeschel