354 Days of UNF: Day 233
Oh Snap!
Does This Idiot Even Realize…
No Lies Detected
At a Highway Rest Stop Somewhere in the US This is Happening RIGHT NOW
Jesus Christ, He's So Fucking STUPID
So. Fucking. True.
Do You Need Help With…Anything?
Cocks. Just Cocks. You're Welcome.
"Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!"
Where Are They Now?
Chic: Le Freak (1978)
For some, it was the best of times. For others, it was the worst.
I suppose best case scenario is that these folks are all grandparentsāif not great grandparentsāby now. On the other hand, it's just as likely that a good number of those young African-Americans are long departed, either through AIDS, COVID, or police brutality.
? ? ?
Otherwise Known as Bearracuda
Dodged a Bullet There, Girls!
Since We're Wishing Here I Have a Few Of My Own
…and universal healthcare, a living minimum wage, a Manhattan Project-style plan to stop global warming, a 50% tax bracket on billionaires, complete forgiveness of student debt, free community college for everyone who wants it, removal of Clarance Thomas,Ā Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett from the Supreme Court and the reversal of their Roe ruling, the codification into US Law access to safe and legal abortions, birth control, and same sex marriage.
And of course, Donald Trump along with every one of his treasonous cronies and everyone who participated in the January 6th attempted overthrow of the US Government thrown in jail for the rest of their miserable lives.
And that's just for starters.
About Last Night…
I Call Bullshit
Can You Make Sense of Any of This?
I stumbled across this word salad on Tumblr and my brain spaghettified while trying to make sense of it:
So you sure as hell don't need to justify not sleeping with someone you're not attracted to. And that includes someone you may have initially been attracted to, but changed your mind later due to personality, compatibility or any other reason.
You don't owe anyone your sexual attraction, initial or ongoing.
The entire point of the gay rights movement, for gay, bi and, yes, straight women and men too, was that who you are or are not attracted to, who your consenting adult partners are, is nobody else's damn business.
That hasn't changed.
Anyone trying to tell you otherwiseĀ is as regressive and authoritarian as the sanctimonious bigots the gay rights movement fought against the first time around. That now includes former gay advocacy groups such as Stonewall UK, HRC and Pink News, which have abandoned recognition of same-sex attraction entirely as a matter of mere "genital preference." Using pretentious academic jargon doesn't change that any more than using pietistic scriptural proclamations.
Relieve yourself of the cultural panic of being called a bigot. It's no different than being called a sinner; it's only meaningful if you subscribe to their ideology.
And anyway, Queer Theorists endorse pedophiliaĀ and bestiality, so you're very far from being on the moral back foot.
Whether you're gay, bi or straight, be homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual guiltlessly.
Can someone explain this to me like I'm a 5-year old?
365 Days of UNF: Day 232
Hooman…Over Here!
Hey Daddy…
I Still Don't Trust Her
It speaks volumes about the current state of the Republican Trump party when a Republican simply doing her job is heralded as a savior of Democracy.
That being said, I'm all for her pulverizing Trump into a bloody pulp. I just don't want to see her as the first female President because she is, after all, still a Republican.