From Greg Fallis:
news cycle
Herschel Walker: Abortion is bad, wicked, evil and I am against it totally.
Press: Didn't you pay for your girlfriend to have an abortion?
Walker: That's a lie. I did NOT pay for that woman's abortion.
Press: Your ex-girlfriend says you did.
Walker: She's a liar.
Press: We have the get well card you sent her.
Walker: Okay, I sent her a get well card. She was…you know, sick and all.
Press: We have a copy of the check you sent her to pay for the abortion.
Walker: That check was for medical supplies. Aspirin, hot water bottle, stuff like that.
Press: The memo line on the check says, 'This is to pay for your abortion'.
Walker: It's a forgery.
Press: We have video of you dropping her off at the abortion clinic.
Walker: I thought that was a Target. Anybody can make a mistake.
Press: In the audio of the video we can hear you saying, "Bye now, have a nice abortion!"
Walker: Fake news! Women lie!
GOP: We completely support Herschel Walker and are outraged by these scurrilous accusations. It just proves Democrats can't be trusted.
Press: GOP says Dems can't be trusted.

GOP: It's possible Mr. Walker at one point in his otherwise exemplary life thought abortion might be okay under certain circumstances, but now he realizes he was wrong and all abortion is murder, so leave him alone.
Press: Exemplary life? He put a gun to his wife's head and threatened to kill her.
GOP: A candidate's domestic life isn't the issue. The issue is pedophiles teaching CRT to grade school students.
Press: Walker used to play Russian roulette.
GOP: The Republican party cares about mental health rehabilitation. The past is the past.
Press: We've just received video of Herschel Walker paying to abort endangered baby eagles.
GOP: There's no law against aborting baby eagles. Stick to the real issues that are important to American families. Inflation, the price of gas, trans girls winning medals in high school sports, Democrat crossdressers in girls bathrooms selling fetanyl.
Press: GOP says Dems killing teen girls.
Tucker Carlson: Are there are videos of Hunter Biden dressed in a frilly Lolita skirt taking bribes and cocaine from Chinese agents in the girl's bathroom of a Catholic grade school? I'm just asking questions. Next up, Herschel Walker discusses how to arm yourself to protect your family from baby eagles.