Well, Fuck.

We've both been congested and coughing for the past few days. Wednesday night Ben tested himself and it immediately turned positive. He tested again to make sure it wasn't a false positive and got the same result. He went on telemed and was prescribed an anti-viral that he's been on since yesterday He used the last two tests we had on hand, so I couldn't test until last night after I got home from work and we'd gotten more.

It was negative. We breathed a sigh of relief, but it left me wondering exactly what was causing my issues if wasn't COVID.

I had a really rough night, and woke up feeling like crap, so I tested again…just to be sure.

Well, fuck!

So after my own telemed visit this morning, I'm now waiting for CVS to fill my script.


World AIDS Day

As is my tradition every December 1st, I remember…

Kent Kelly

Ken Cohen

Steve Golden

Dennis Shelpman

Jim Hagen

Chuck Krahe

Marty Kamner

Michael Nelson

Jim Nye

Kevin Ohm

Rick King

Ron Aiazzi

Grant Neilsen

Ric Hathaway

David Koston

Kim Holstein

Russ Alvarez

Ben Walzer
Ken Borg
Harold Gates
Jim Girard
Keith Roseberry
Tom Farrel
Peter Whitman
Chuck Mayer
Richard Gulliver
Scott Woods
Bobby Farina
Brian Lea
Fred Sibinic
Steve McCollom
John Trapp
Philip Ruckdeschel
Jerry Straughn


Certain dates stand out in our minds. December 1st is one of mine, and for the most ridiculous reason: it was the day my class made a field trip to the Phoenix Zoo. What grade? Second? Third? No idea. All I remember was the date. And the giraffe strutting around with anĀ enormous erection.