Here's One for You
If you could instantly be granted fluency in 5 languages—not taking away your existing language proficiency in any way, solely a gain—which 5 would you choose?
Mine are German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, and Vietnamese (so I can understand what the ladies in the nail salon are gossiping about).
365 Days of UNF: Day 356
Think About It…
A Certain Aesthetic
Wishing Everyone…
365 Days of UNF: Day 355
365 Days of UNF: Day 354
A Certain Aesthetic
Sometimes a Cigar…
Thank You for Your Service
Impure Thoughts
Some Oz Moments
Okay, If You Insist…
Mirror Mirror On The Wall
It Appears I Have Lost My Chair…
What Are You Waiting For?
365 Days of UNF: Day 353
What Happened Here?
Yes, We're Moving
Hopefully for the last time.
We saw the new (old) place yesterday, and after seeing what had been done to the house, it was an absolute no brainer to tell Amanda and James we wanted to move back in. (For those of you who have been following less than 2 years, there was a fire.)
I mean, the moment we walked in—even though the place is still not ready for immediate occupancy—it was like coming home. That's home with the capital "H."
The house has been completely rewired and brought to up to code. The entirety of the A/C system has been replaced. A new heat pump has been placed on the roof (the previous one was on a slab at the back of the house) and new ducting has been installed throughout the house, bringing ducts into rooms that previously had none. The work was done professionally, and is being inspected by the City to make sure everything is up to snuff.
The kitchen as well is being completely refurbished, including new appliances. This weekend James is hip-deep in refinishing all the existing cabinets (which had been pulled out completely to allow for the installation of new drywall and electrical). It makes sense to refinish and reuse these cabinets; they're in great shape, original to the house and made of solid wood. (Something you're not going to get from IKEA.) They're being finished in a medium forest green color, and they're planning on putting in white quartz countertops…and a dishwasher/disposal! (Neither of which were present in the house previously.) And speaking of IKEA, James and Amanda obviously liked the IKEA under-cabinet lights we'd installed when we lived there, because they're putting in permanent ones now and have replaced the single overhead light fixture with a series of recessed can lights.
We're losing the gas range (with the exception of the water heater that caused this whole fiasco, the house is now all-electric), but Ben, surprisingly, is fine with that.
The color scheme of the house has also been changed. No longer landlord beige throughout, it's a bright white with accent walls in several of the rooms painted a rich blue-gray. It looks good.
They're letting us pick out the new ceiling fans that will be in each room, as well as making a few other recommendations.
The only disappointment is that except for a new floor and a coat of paint—and I assume the refinishing of the vanity cabinet, the bathroom is remaining as it was. One of our requests was a full width, full height mirror over the vanity instead of the 1940s-era medicine cabinet, so that will be done as well.
So when are we moving? James estimated that he will have the place ready by the end of January. I think that's optimistic, but maybe the fact that we're moving back in will be the impetus he needs to get it finished. Since our current lease ends at the end of December, we've notified our current landlord that we'll be exercising the month-to-month option he offered, and we'll be out of here by the end of February.
Moving is going to be a bitch, but I'm more confident now that 2023 might actually be a good year.