Speaking of Alternative Apps…
Hey Hey Ho Ho That Nasty Bitch Has Got To Go!
I'm Not Sure…
…how much of this is truth and how much is liberal hyperbole/panic, but if true it is very concerning to anyone who values free speech and their right to privacy.
It supposedly has only a 5% chance of passing, but nothing is guaranteed—especially in today's environment.
Yes Virginia, They Really Are That Stupid!
HORRIBLE Cable Management
Unfortunate Headline
Because It's True
Every time I go to a doctor one of the questions I'm asked is, "Have you been depressed during the past two weeks?"
I lie. I always lie, because what are they going to do to change the state of the world? I don't need to be medicated; I (we) need fundamental changes in this country, and as long as those FUCKING Republicans are calling the shots in Congress, it won't happen.
Hell yes, I'm depressed!