May The Fourth Be With You

Back in 2016, Brian Kesinger, a Disney illustrator, started drawing his version of Calvin and Hobbes comics in an adorable and funny mashup of Star Wars Characters. The following comics are just a few pieces of what he produced. Please enjoy.


Vintage Audio Pr0n

Sony STR-6800 and a pair of mirrored Yamaha NS-1000M loudspeakers. Personally, this was always my favorite Sony design aesthetic, and those Yammies…what can be said? Probably some of the best sounding speakers I've ever heard. Out of reach financially back in the day, and nearly so today (if you can even find them in such beautiful condition as presented here).

Your Right to Your Beliefs Do Not Supercede Mine

I want…maybe NEED to believe that most people don't agree with the way things are going right now

But damn 'Merikkka you aren't making it easy

Unless I can walk the circle lay down the salt & call the corners in my neice's classes you can't say the Lord's prayer or have the 10 Commandments on the walls if a school or courthouse or legislature

Your right to your beliefs do not supercede mine.


(Work is exaggerated in size for visibility.)