Any Woodworkers Out There?

I'm looking for someone to fabricate a couple of mahogany end caps for my Kenwood receiver. I saw that someone had done this on Instagram and I really like the look:

I have some self-adhesive vinyl veneer that I could apply to the existing aluminum end caps in a pinch, but I'd like the real wood if possible.

Naturally, I'd be more than happy to pay for time and materials. If you or anyone you know would be willing to do this, either email me directly or leave a comment below.

No. Just No. Well, Maybe No.

I present to you, the 2024 MINI Cooper:

But wait! There's more!

And don't even get me started on the MINI Countryman!

Even Ben, who is only a MINI fan insofar as his husband is one looked at these and said, "Ew! NO!"

The cars shown here are the new EV lineup, but MINI says this design language will carry over to their entire line.

I suppose change is inevitable, but it seems like MINI has lost some of its…quirkiness with this new aesthetic—especially the interior. And that fabric dash? It look like the fabric on Apple's Homepods, and that shit is a dust magnet. I can't imagine keeping it clean in an automotive environment.

I admit however, that the exteriors (with the possible exception of the taillights on the 3-door, whatever that white protrusion on the windows is behind the back seat doors on the Countryman and the wheels on both models) are kind of growing on me the more I look at them.

Maybe I'm just being a "GET OFF MY LAWN" curmudgeon and they're not really as bad as I first opined. (It's certainly possible.)

Some Good News For A Change

A Federal judge issues s temporary restraining order against the Texas law banning drag shows is "likely" unconstitutional

LGBTQ+ groups sued the Texas attorney general's office, hoping to stop authorities from enforcing Senate Bill 12, which was signed by Gov. Greg Abbott in June and was scheduled like most new laws to go into effect Friday.

"Based on evidence and testimony presented at the hearing, the court finds there is substantial likelihood that SB 12 as drafted violated the First Amendment of the United States Constitution…" the judge wrote.

While just the first step, this is a great win for the LGBTQ community!