Help! I've Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole…
Believe It Or Not, I Actually Used To Like Coming To Work
Well, maybe not like, but at least tolerate. Even through the lockdown I was a diligent, engaged employee. Showered, dressed, and clocking in promptly at my usual start time, even notifying the team by text when I was taking a break or going to lunch.
But then we were all called back into the office 3 days a week under a new overseer we not-so-affectionately refer to as Cuntula. I remember our first skip-level one-on-one where I said I wished that we could all go back to full time WFH—and she countered that if it were up to her, EVERYONE would be back in the office five days a week—and we should be grateful for the two days we are allowed to WFH. And that was it. And that was when I stopped giving her the benefit of the doubt. We would never see eye to eye on anything…
She quickly turned into a micromanager—because she didn't have a clue what she was doing—stepping over our immediate supervisor to assign tasks or critique our work. Thankfully, our supervisor (who is a great guy, by the way) stood up to her and made it clear we were his team to manage how he saw fit. Of course she didn't like that, and while she backed off, there was a lot going on behind the scenes for the next year that culminated with my supervisor putting in his notice (pending a positive background check and transfer to a different division) a few months ago.
About a year ago, we acquired a new senior tech who transferred in from a different division. I worked under him when I first came on here, and had utmost respect for him and the way he conducted business. He's proven time and again that he was the best choice for the role, but when he was hired, there was the buffer of our aforementioned supervisor between him and Cuntula. Not so any more. She's micromanaging him, and they've butted heads on numerous occasions now, so while I respect and admire what he's taken on—more than he was anticipating when he accepted the position, I'm sure—I'm positive his time here is numbered as well.

So in short, Cuntula has poisoned the department. I know the majority of her theatrics are because she's a middle manager and therefore has to constantly justify her job, but I still can't seem to muster any sympathy for the bitch. I'm not quite to the point where I was with DISH (Do I go to work, or do I drive my car off a freeway overpass on my way?), but my stress level is where there are days I come home, eat dinner, and then just pass out for the remainder of the evening until Ben wakes me up to go to bed.
366 Days of UNF: February 8th
And Yet, Here We Are
Thanks Rick!
366 Days of UNF: February 7th
Tuesday Back In The Office
366 Days of UNF: February 6th
I Apologize in Advance
More Monday
It's Called GREED
Boys Will Be Boys
366 Days of UNF: February 5th
Dat 'Stache!
AI Art Strikes Again

I honestly don't hate these. I was using the cartoon prompt.

For these I used the prescripted "costume" prompt:

These are a little more…interesting. Or is problematic the word I'm looking for?

They are cute. I'll hand them that.

The program I used is called Photoleap.
Released 38 Years Ago Today
So many arriving-in-San-Francisco memories…
Janet Jackson: Control (1986)
This Has To Be Photoshop…
Released 47 Years Ago Today
Wanna feel old?
Fleetwood Mac: Rumours (1977)
Some say this is one of the best rock-n-roll albums of all time.
My own Fleetwood Mac story can be found here.