Unabashedly Stolen

Unabashedly stolen from I Should Be Laughing because the entire thing is just that good:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, talking to CNN about the GOP and MTG coming for him:

"It's a pattern, Kaitlan, that whenever somebody gets up—whether it's a news media, you know Fox News, does it a lot, or it's somebody in the Congress who gets up and makes a public statement that's responsible for the deaths of X number of people because of policies or some crazy idea that I created—immediately, it's like clockwork. The death threats go way up. So, that's the reason why I'm still getting death threats, when you have performances like that unusual performance by Marjorie Taylor Greene in today's hearing, those are the kind of things that drive up the death threats because there is a segment of the population out there that believe that kind of nonsense." As I saw on Facebook yesterday, please remember that Fauci graduated from Cornell and Large Marge can boil corn.

That's all.

Jamie Raskin, Maryland Democrat, speaking to Fauci at this latest hearing:

"[The GOP] is treating you, Dr. Fauci, like a convicted felon. Actually, you probably wish they were treating you like a convicted felon. They treat them with love and admiration. Some blindly worship them."


Ken Buck, retiring GOP Representative, speaking to Jon Stewart:'

"I think the problem right now is everybody gets their news sources in silos and they just keep getting reinforced with certain ideas. I went to a neighbor's house the day after the 2020 election, their flag was upside down. There's a lot of life out there besides arguing about nothing and telling lies, and so I made a choice to go enjoy what I've got left. I left because I couldn't tell the lie. The 2020 election wasn't stolen. The January 6 defendants aren't political prisoners. I think there is a leader out there that will unify and help unify America, and it's somebody who has great morals, somebody who has great leadership skills. A John F. Kennedy. You know, I probably wouldn't have said this 20 years ago, that he was a great hero, but you look at what John F. Kennedy did in terms of bringing the country together during the Cold War and moving us forward. There is somebody there that will help America heal and move forward. I know it's not Ken Buck and I know that it's not one of the two candidates leading the country in the polls right now."I think it's Pete Buttigieg and if we can keep Hair Furor out of power, we can get a President Pete in 2028.

So Vote Blue for the future.

Stormy Daniels, asking Melanie to leave her crooked husband—not because he f*cked a porn star but because he's a convicted felon:

"I don't know what their agreement may or may not be, but Melania needs to leave him. Not because of what he did with me or other women but because he is a convicted felon. It's been proven he is abusive; he was found liable for sexual assault and tax fraud and is now a criminal. He's neither Teflon Don nor Teflon Con anymore."Yeah, I imagine Melanie has had a team of lawyers rewriting her prenup every other day to make sure she gets more and more coins the longer he stays with Hair Furor.

Kevin Maxen, the Jacksonville Jaguars strength coach, celebrating his first Pride since coming out last summer:

"Today I get to celebrate the start of my first Pride Month, as open and true to myself as I possibly could be. With all the fear and concern regarding LGBTQ inclusion in sports, I was very worried about how I would be welcomed and viewed by my peers, but after publicly coming out before the start of training camp this past summer, the Jaguars proved to me that no matter what, who, or how you identify, you are supported, loved and valued."The Jaguars were one of the first pro sports teams to share a pro-LGBTQ Pride Month message on June 1; even team owner Shad Khan said:

"Kevin is a Jacksonville Jaguar through and through, and a key member of our football team and community. I look forward to seeing Kevin next week at training camp and hope that he comes to work each day during camp and through the season feeling confident, free and at peace."It's doubtful the Jaguars would have been this on-top of Pride Month without an out coach.

Adam Schiff, California Democrat Representative, on Hair Furor's daughter-in-law minion, Lara and her whines about the trial:

"Well, first, in terms of Lara _____'s interview, and her complaining about the case being tried in New York before New York jury, if you don't want to be tried in front of a New York jury, then maybe don't commit so many crimes in New York City. It's pretty simple. And that jury was selected in part by [Hair Furor] and his attorneys. They vetted each of the jurors. He had every right that every other criminal defendant has in that courtroom. And they found—this ordinary jury of peers found him guilty on every single count. So if you don't want to be tried in New York, don't commit crimes in New York. But he got the same due process as any other person and that's exactly the way it should be." Facts are facts, Lara.

Hair Furor, on Fox & Friends Weekends, lying cuz it's all he does:

"I beat her. It's easier when you win. And they always said lock her up, and I felt—and I could have done it, but I felt it would have been a terrible thing. And then this happened to me. Hillary Clinton—I didn't say lock her up, but the people said lock her up, lock her up. Okay. Then, we won. And I say—and I said pretty openly, I said, all right, come on, just relax, let's go, we've got to make our country great. And it would have been—think of it, you lock up the wife of a president of the United States."Seriously, how many hundreds of times did he effing say it in front of his cult, in front of a goddamned microphone, in front of a f*cking camera, and now he says he never said it.

David Sedaris, humorist and author, on the choices for president in 2024:

"I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. 'Can I interest you in the chicken?' she asks. 'Or would you prefer the platter of shit with broken glass in it?' To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."

I don't need the shit and shards of glass, do you?

The Lie Said To The Truth…

The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the well water is very nice.
The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it really was nice. So they got naked and bathed.
But suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth.
The Truth, furious, climbed out of the well to get her clothes back.
But the World, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away, with anger and contempt.
Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame.
Since then, the Lie runs around the world, dressed as the Truth, and society is very happybecause the world has no desire to know the naked Truth.

~ Painting: Truth Coming Out Of The Well, Jean-Léon Gérome, 1896


Yeah, I brought it—the one pulled out of storage a few weeks ago—to work. When my supe saw it sitting on my desk, he pointed and said, "Oh my god…is that a Discman?!" like it was some newly unearthed relic. (Which, I suppose it honestly is these days.) This of course led into a long, refreshing non-work related discussion about why I've gone back to listening to CDs, the price of vinyl, the general need for physical media in our lives, and the never-ending greed of the music industry.

He told me he'd be all over physical media again if it weren't for the fact he had small children and an even smaller house. What one had to do with the other—or in fact how either one prevented him from owning physical media, especially CDs— escaped me, but I just did what I so often do around the office: I smiled an nodded.

But I gotta tell you, when I'm plugged in and some Japanese jazz or 70s disco is spinning away, it really does wonders for my attitude. And it's even different from just playing tunes from my laptop into my AirPods. There's something about the physicality of the process that just seems more—intimate—and puts a smile on my face.

Am I obsessed?  I'm a Gemini; of course I am. I get obsessed with whatever shiny object captures my attention at any given time for a while and then I move on. I expect the same thing to happen here, but it may take a while. (I mean, look at how long my vinyl obsession lasted—decades!) I dropped $35 on eBay last night for yet another model Discman; this one more contemporary to either this D-171 or my all-metal 80s era D-10. The one I bought last night has anti-skip protection—"G-Force" something or other that neither the D-171 or the D-10 had—so I suspect this will be my daily driver for in-office use going forward even though the D-10 will remain my ultimate hi-fi desk mate at home where it's much less likely to get jostled. It will at least make those three days a week when I have to physically be present at HQ much more enjoyable.


So…I may have ended a 30 year friendship yesterday.

I've known Mark aka "Bunny" since the early 90s. I don't remember the circumstances of our meeting, but I do know we shared a mutual friend who undoubtedly introduced us, and that shortly after we met we shared a singular evening of making out—without it going any further in that department.

We share a common sense of humor and have viewed the world pretty much through the same lens—politically, philosophically, and intellectually—and while we've disagreed on certain things over the years as friends often do, those things have been inconsequential and we've both just agreed to disagree, let them slide and moved on. Did I mention we are both fiercely stubborn?

Anyway, we were texting yesterday and this happened:

I have not responded, and have no plans to.

I agree that Biden's lukewarm response to Israel's naked aggression and genocide against the Palestinian people has been appalling, but if Trump is ever allowed to regain power, he's already announced that he plans to give Netanyahu free reign to do to the Palestinians what Hitler did to the Jews 90 years ago. The irony of this whole scenario does not escape me.

Yes, the current situation in the Middle East is absolutely horrible. My heart aches whenever I think about what's going on. But at the same time it could be so. much. worse.

Yes, Biden will undoubtedly carry California but every damn vote counts regardless.

So…am I the asshole?

My Morning With Boris, Part Deux

From the liner notes:

There are certain moments from the mid 1970s Disco era I will never forget. One of those clearest memories is hearing Love's Coming/Baby Love by USA-European Connection for the very first time. I can recall the exact instant like it only happened two nanoseconds ago – and in full IMAX 3D and Surround Sound! It was a Sunday in mid-February 1978 and I was at The Embassy Club in London's Old Bond Street.

Loftily considered the capital's answer to New York's Studio 54, The Embassy is where Sylvester filmed his video for You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) descending the curved staircase from the central balcony area and every Sunday they held a popular Tea Dance event. For the one cover price of £4 (you could buy two Disco albums on import for that cost!) all snacks and drinks—served by waiters in ultra-tight shorts—were included as glammed-up-to-the-nines patrons danced the afternoon and night away.

It was during one particular dance floor frenzy that the DJ played Love's Coming/Baby Love and I distinctly remember its completely new sound shocking me into standing completely rigid and listening closely in wonder at the aural sensations suddenly washing over me. I stood galvanised in the middle of that flashing floor under the swirling lights for nearly fifteen minutes, stunned as the constant orchestral movements, unexpected series of rhythmic breaks and abrupt time changes, ripples of floating strings, synthesizer eruptions and ecstatic girl group vocals segued into the next track. Then, quick as a flash, I literally ran to the DJ booth and demanded to know what I'd just heard. With a roll of his eyes hinting that I was just one of the many asking for the exact same information he told me, "Come Into My Heart by USA-European Connection."

The very next day I rushed to my favourite Disco import emporium in Soho and asked for the USA-European Connection album. "Not out yet," came the reply. "Try in a few weeks when T.K. Records release it." But I just couldn't wait that long and called up my best friend who worked as a producer for Capital Radio, London's premier station since 1973. Every so often he'd let me go into Capital's Euston Tower head offices to raid the New Release cupboards and over the years ! managed to get a lot of rare Disco tracks that way. But I didn't find the USA-European Connection album until I scanned the out-of-bounds desk of famed DJ Kenny Everett. Recklessly, before anyone had noticed, it was whisked into my bag, on my turntable at home, blaring out and I was closely studying the album cover credits. There the name Boris Midney was listed not just as composer and producer but also arranger, conductor, engineer, photographer, keyboardist and horn player—the complete package. Interestingly enough Everett had written a note-to-self in ballpoint on the inner sleeve which said "Huge in the US, the continuously segueing sides may be too much of a good thing". From that moment on I had to know who this multi-talented Midney person was and became totally obsessed by getting every subsequent album he produced. I began collecting his work from all over the globe and am happy to say that my complete fan devotion has not diminished one iota in the intervening years since hearing those groundbreaking USA-European Connection cuts for the first time.

You'll find out why in the second of five Disco Recharge Collections presenting the matchless work of Boris Midney whom I called in my co-authored book Saturday Night Forever: The Story of Disco, "The Stephen Sondheim, David Hockney and Stanley Kubrick of the Disco genre all rolled into one". This "Special Edition" features Midney's two innovative and incredible USA-European Connection albums plus 12" and 7" versions of the medleys and songs featured on both. The key lyric in Come Into My Heart/Good Loving, the first album's title track, sets the tone of this whole collection perfectly: "High winds of feeling tear me apart". For the dancer is immediately caught up in the surge of undulating music as wave upon wave of lilting melody, wild percussion, peripatetic stings and shrieking violins, pounding reverbs, conga breaks and orchestral ingenuity hit you between the eyes with a distinctly emotional force. All that sumptuous pummelling continues in Love's Coming/Baby Love with tuned discordance made to sound sweetly harmonious as the "sensuous vocals" (by Leza Holmes, Renne Johnson and Sharon Williams) go slo-mo only to be uplifted by angelic harps, echo chamber beauty and string enchantment. Sparer, crisper and more precise than the Come Into My Heart album, the second self-titled USA-European Connection release from November 1979 featured the equally haunting I'd Like To Get Closer/Do Me Good and Join the Dance/There's A Way Into My Heart. Vocals this time provided by Chequita Jackson and Kevin Owens, a duo who would continually be employed to convey the delicious brand of Midney Magic. Each is a grandiose symphony of musical quality, focused individuality and artistic refinement that was entirely unique for the Disco era yet still retained the ability to sweep you onto the dance floor for a rapturously blissful workout.

After defecting from Russia and signing with the ABC/Impulse Records Jazz label in America, the classical musically trained Boris Midney had the idea of combining pop rhythms with more orthodox sounds. "The idea of pop meets classical had been brewing inside me for years," says the great man himself in comments taken from an exclusive interview especially conducted for this "Disco Recharge" series. "I had built a studio in Princeton, New Jersey, and started experimenting with strings over funk there. But it wasn't until I built ALPHA International Recording Studios in Philadelphia, with Peter Pelullo, that my Disco foundation truly began. There was no true Disco at the time, just a flavour – R&B with an orchestra—but there was dance pop like Silver Convention. I heard their tracks first hand in Bob Reno's office at Mercury Records and loved the string sound. That confirmed I was on the right track in the combination of different musical styles."

Midney recalls how the Come Into My Heart album was put together: "I made this tape in my studio in Philadelphia at odd times, mostly at night. I sat at the piano and played it all the way through. Of course there were a lot of objections like, 'You can't have one track on the album, too long, gotta separate them, nobody will listen…etc'. I was looking to somehow connect the Euro Sound with the US Funk and R&B one. While commuting from Princeton to Philadelphia, on the highway there was a large sign saying 'Connection to 95', and that's how I got the USA-European Connection concept and project title. Every new style of music starts with a beat and this drummer I was working with at the time had 'that beat'. I was clearly developing a sound, I just wasn't aware of creating Disco. The subsequent Disco craze was nothing short of a revolution against established and cliché pop that allowed composers and producers to experiment with new and 'off-the-wall' sounds, truly the basis for any new movement. Later my lawyer Sandy Ross said, 'You're crazy, what kind of name is USA-European Connection? Make it shorter or it will never sell. That's when I knew I was on the right track".

While some thought Midney was a lunatic recording stuff that was clearly unmarketable to their ears, many loved what he was doing as he points out. "I guess I was determined. I was doing something I really liked and deeply enjoyed doing it. So when the master tape was finished, a friend of mine from New York told me he knew David Mancuso, the DJ and owner of the downtown New York 'underground' club, The Loft, and arranged for it to be premiered there. The place was crowded, full of balloons, and it went on at midnight. One by one people cleared the dance floor because they wanted to listen as it contained such a different sound. I saw this as something of a disaster that the clubbers' non-reaction was due to the recording/mix not being up to par. Without saying thank you or goodbye to Mancuso, I drove back to Philly and totally remixed it. Something that was completely unnecessary as I got a call the next night saying Mancuso had played it again a number of times and people couldn't get enough. After that it was put on regular rotation at The Loft and things started to happen very quickly. Promoters called and I was introduced to Henry Stone at T.K. Records who came up with an offer to release it on their Marlin label."

The result was a Billboard Hot Dance Disco Chart Number 1 that remained on every DJs playlist for the next 21 weeks. Naturally Stone asked Midney for a second USA-European Connection album follow-up. "But I didn't have anything. By then I was at my Eras Studio on Manhattan's East 54th Street. One night I went to my favourite restaurant that specialized in fried, boiled and grilled ducks but my dinner didn't taste exactly right. I went back to the studio and got terrible double vision and severe nausea. I sat at the piano hoping it would pass. My engineer Dmitri Zbrizer was still there and I said 'Let's record something'. He rolled the tape and I was in and out of consciousness playing non-stop until Dmitri yelled 'How the hell do you know what you are playing?' and the tape ran out. I had no sheet music only a click track in my headphones but the second USA-European Connection album was done, with just the vocals and arrangements added the following week. I learned about my father's death during the Come Into My Heart recording, and I had food poisoning on the second album and could barely play a note on the piano. But those dual feelings of euphoria and a total reality disconnect provided the inspiration. Any kind of good music doesn't result from sheer happiness or satisfaction, there has to some drama, discord and sadness. Melancholy is the most beautiful of human emotions and that quality is definitely invested in both USA-European Connection albums".

~ Alan Jones
Co-author of the bestselling book Saturday Night Forever: The Story of Disco

My Morning With Boris

From the liner notes:

"On the Mount Olympus of Disco there are numerous gods. But there is only one Zeus, and his name is Boris Midney".

That's what I put in my co-authored book Saturday Night Forever: The Story of Disco and I still stand by every single word I wrote in the Hot Shots: The Producers section. For there isn't a week in the past 35 years since he stormed onto the Disco scene that haven't listened to a Boris Midney composed, arranged, produced, sound designed or engineered track. As uniquely directional and fresh sounding today as they were the first time they were heard, every eagerly anticipated Midney album left dancers and reviewers clutching for superlatives invoking such rare descriptions for the Disco era as "avant-garde," "extraordinary" and "art."

Midney minted a new marriage between music and technology that yielded successively breathtaking results. The stunningly beautiful melodies he composed, with his engagingly odd and unique lyrics delivered in eccentric but always sophisticated style, coupled with the sparse, ethereal space effects he created in between became instantly recognizable to his legion of admirers. His clean-cut, daring technique and orchestral integrity oozed from every silky groove as Midney was unafraid of experimenting on the surreal edges of dance culture. Because of these highly original aural sensations and cosmic vibrations Midney took Disco on a journey to the far-out side of the mirror ball and created a series of musical fantasy masterpieces in a body of work that is second to none in the entire genre. Disco Recharge is proud to present the first of five Boris Midney "Special Edition" collections with comments from the icon himself taken from an exclusive interview especially conducted for this banner series.

Midney was born in Russia, "In Moscow, a block away from the Kremlin. The Kremlin parks and squares were my 'playground,'" he says. "Both of my parents were professional musicians; my mother was an opera singer and my father was an orchestra conductor. So my obsession with rhythm started early". Midney played most of the instruments on all his Disco albums, including saxophone, clarinet, keyboards, drums and percussion, and he learnt his skills thanks to being classically trained at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, the second oldest in the Soviet Union, home to Sergei Rachmaninoff, and the Gnessin Academy. "No jazz music or saxophone permitted, though ! managed," he laughs. Midney also studied photography at the Moscow House of Photography. "By invitation only, I was on the Working Professional Master Programme," he adds. This additional talent is the reason why Midney shot the cover art for most of his Disco album projects.

But growing up in the USSR during his teenage years proved a disheartening experience as he explains, "I had written the soundtrack for a Russian movie entitled Staircase, which won Best Score at the Monte Carlo Film Festival. No one told me, I learned about winning from the foreign press. I simply refused to accept the Soviet doctrine of 'sitting' put in the country – I just had to see the world. So I defected. I was part of a music ensemble on a cultural exchange tour in Japan. The night after completing the tour I took off for the American Embassy in Tokyo."

Building a whole new life in America proved relatively easy according to Midney. "Perhaps that was my naivety though. Being pretty young, it appeared fairly easy. Upon arrival at the airport from Tokyo, I was greeted by Helen Keane, at the time the manager of American jazz pianist Bill Evans. Apparently she had heard about me, and the jazz group I led in Russia, from an article in Downbeat magazine. Complete news to me of course. Helen turned out to be a 'no-nonsense' active woman who got me signed up with ABC/Impulse Records". The main result of that signing was the jazz group Russian Quartet.

"Fellow Russian Igor Beruk was on bass guitar, Roger Kellaway on piano, Grady Tate on drums and me on alto sax. We recorded at the Rudy Van Gelder Studios. I joined the Musician's Union and started playing the jazz club circuit. People were curious about my background and defection and would come to see and talk to me. I guess I was a bit of a novelty. Then it became widely known that I could read music and I started getting other industry jobs". (Russian Quartet's Kellaway would be Oscar nominated for Best Adaptation Score in 1976 for A Star is Born. Tate moved on to drumming in Quincy Jones' band and Rudy Van Gelder is regarded as one of the most important engineers in music history due to his work with Miles Davis, Thelonious Monk, Sonny Rollins and numerous other luminaries).

Those "other industry jobs" would eventually lead Midney to building his own studios in Philadelphia and New York, and becoming a leading figure of the Disco movement after making his sensational debut with the Come Into My Heart album by USA-European Connection. Beautiful Bend was the second of Midney's solo album projects to soar to Number 1 on the dance charts and remain in the Billboard Hot Dance Disco Top Ten for 14 straight weeks. An incredible achievement for the period, Make That Feeling Come Again! by Beautiful Bend was an astonishing recording all round. A captivating kaleidoscope of sounds so inventive and distinctive it proved overwhelming to many die-hard clubbers when sneak previewed by ace DJ Dave Mancuso at the premier Disco of the time, The Loft, two months prior to being officially released. CD 1 of this double-billed Boris Midney "Extended Edition" Collection contains the entire Make That Feeling Come Again! album as originally presented on the Marlin label, from T.K. Inc. Productions, in one long, two part track on each side. The Bonus Tracks are the 12" shorter versions of both album sides.

With vocals credited to Xo-Xo, all the Beautiful Bend songs were composed, arranged, produced, engineered and mixed by Midney at his ALPHA International Studio in Philadelphia.

Midney played keyboards and saxophone while long-time associate Bruce Weeden took on bass guitar duties with Philly staple Larry Washington on congas. With its burbling synthesizer, angelic siren calls, swirling violins, heavenly echoes and haunting beat, Midney's musical roots, Philly funk and European flavourings invest every moment with a freedom of the Disco spirit and total confidence in his innovative sound. The deliciously bouncy That's the Meaning mixed with the rolling momentum of Boogie Motion and the choral ecstasy of the title track segueing effortlessly into the discordant tunefulness of Ah-Do It is a master class of technique and musicality. The hypnotic result is an exemplary probe into luscious melody and dazzling harmony driven by sound effects that do exactly what the studio assembly's name hints at. Each song is beautifully bent out of shape and then back again into jubilant form by Midney's miraculous artistry. Vince Aletti said it best. Disco's first and greatest chronicler through the 1970s thanks to his Disco File column in Record World magazine, Aletti wrote on July 22, 1978, "Beautiful Bend is ample confirmation of an exciting talent and should prove to be one of Disco's most durable records". Nearly four decades on, how right he was.

After completing the Beautiful Bend album, Midney moved his base of recording operations to 226 East 54th Street in Manhattan. There he built America's first 48-track recording studio from scratch and named it Eras in honour of the new era of dance music it would be at the vanguard of ushering in. CD2 of this Boris Midney "Special Edition" collection contains the entire Caress album as released by RFC Records, a Warner Bros affiliate label, in 1979. Equally as startlingly individual as Beautiful Bend, Caress once more proved Midney was on the proto-trance front-line.

Uninterrupted spans of rhythmic sound accentuated by curving string sections, walls of tinkling sliding scales and densely layered orchestration, Caress is arguably the ultimate in Designer Disco. It begins with the breathlessly sung Catch the Rhythm, which then sinuously snakes into the jazz-infused Charmed By You. The unbelievably catchy You Got It Too Uptight is then teamed with the hyper-jittery brilliance of 'Love Spell'. Bonus Tracks included here are the 12" versions of Catch the Rhythm and an edited medley of You Got It Too Uptight and Love Spell.

With vocals by Midney regulars Chequita Jackson and Kevin Owens, and his patented crisp "Mi Sound" lifting this masterpiece to new heights of Disco amazement, shakes and shivers of delight will be the result of listening to Caress for the first of many times, guaranteed. For as the lyrics of Love Spell proclaim, "What you do, you do so well". And nobody in Disco Dreamland did it better than the one and only Boris Midney.

~Alan Jones
Co-author of the bestselling book Saturday Night Forever: The Story of Disco

Okay, admittedly kind of bombastic (it was written by a record reviewer after all) but I have to agree with most of what he said. Boris Midney is definitely in my Top 5 producers of the era, and the two albums in this set are my favorites of his work. I also have the previous set released by Disco Recharge consisting of Midney's Come Into My Heart and USA-European Connection, which I'll be posting shortly.

These discs aren't the easiest to come by. I stumbled upon them a few months ago while searching for something else on Discogs. But once I saw them, I knew they had to be added to my burgeoning CD collection. Naturally I have the originals (including the 12-inch versions) on vinyl, but nothing can beat the silent background of a CD—and the sound quality of these recordings is outstanding. I originally ordered this set from a seller in Poland, but as of this posting, it's been sitting in US customs for the last six weeks with no sign of movement. Neither I or the seller know what's going on, and there's really no way of finding out what's happening. So I searched and found another copy from the UK last week that arrived in a matter of days. Go figger. If the other one shows up I'll flip it or maybe just send it to one of my faithful readers if there's any interest (first come first served!)…

I Loved This Show As A Kid. They Were So Ahead Of The Societal Curve.

Frankly, I'm surprised my folks let me watch it…

Happy PRIDE y'all!