For Those Of You Who Partake…

I spend way too much time at work in this program…and surprisingly, it's one Microsoft creation—at least on the Windows platform—that I actually like.*

*the Mac version, however—like the entire Office suite—is a steaming pile of crap. (IMHO)

Released 46 Years Ago Today

Giorgio & Chris: Love's in You, Love's in Me (1978)

Never one of my favorites, but looked back upon fondly, especially Burning the Midnight Oil.

I get the totally unsubstantiated feeling that Giorgio was fucking Chris at the time and was hoping to make her the next Donna Summer. Unfortunately, Chris didn't possess the vocal talent of Summer and this is why I think this was a one-off album…

Hang 'Em On Their Own Petard

From Mock Paper Scissors:

Grandpa Sundowner is on the pudding path and hast lost it: The return of the shark story! And it's even less coherent now. Special guest star: the snake!

Jeebus, get him some soft food and a heavy blanket.