Yeah, like that.
A Not So Gentle Reminder…
Beating Back Teh St00pid MSM
From Mock Paper Scissors:
(The transcript is here, if you would rather read it.)
I missed the interview last night, I thought it was going to be on Sunday.
I want to say right at the top that I am pretty much ride-or-die for President Handsome Joe Biden. I had low expectations for him, and he's turned out to be a president for the ages (no pun intended). He was handed a bag of merde and made a garden: fighting climate change, building the economy from the ground-up, doing all sorts of things that the Left has wanted for decades. He's been wildly successful. He's taken that merde and made gold. He's an alchemist.
We need to talk about ageism. America has a youth culture, almost a fetish for it. Once you get to be a certain age, you start becoming invisible (ask me how I know!), and our pop-culture, youth-centric world demands it. To wring out that last dollar from the Olds to buy unguents and book spa treatments/surgeries to stave off the ravages of time, our capitalists have made a fortune out of our age-related insecurities. They also manufacture those insecurities, but that's for another day.
President Handsome Joe Biden has the temerity to be old and in public.
No where in this "interview" does George Stephanopoulos cite or establish any old-age related failures of President Biden. If you are going to take the car keys away from Paw-Paw, you better establish that he's a threat to himself and others. Stephanopoulos failed; or more accurately never tried to make that case. It was a fact not in evidence.
If Biden is too old, if he is so compromised, then how do we explain everything he's accomplished? If you think he's showing signs of dementia, then you must reconcile that with the fact that no one can point to a single age-related failure he's made during his time in the Oval. I might disagree with some of his foreign policy, but that does not mean he's decrepit.
How can anyone accept his many achievements (just look at the jobs report just out!) and in the same breath say he's too old to do the job he's already doing magnificently?
President Handsome Joe Biden might be the first president who could lose his job over the vibes of being old, and looking old. And that is ageism.
UPDATE 1: As a sort of counterpoint about how the media is creating a narrative that President Handsome Joe Biden is old, look at what they are ignoring or have normalized without any protest:
More of This, Please
Biden to reporters: "You've been wrong about everything so far. You were wrong about 2020. You were wrong about 2022–we were going to get wiped out, you remember the red wave."
— Alex Thompson (@AlexThomp) July 5, 2024
Your Moment Of Zen
You Go, Girl!
I Apologize in Advance
We Can Make Shit Up Too
Fuck. Me. Orville.
366 Days of UNF: July 6th
An Oldie But a Goodie
Here's a Suggestion…
The Problem is that I Do Care
Fuck The Biden Haters
Don't listen to them. A lot of the chatter you see scrolling across your screens advocating for Biden to bow out of the race is pure Russian-bot-generated propaganda. Russia is afraid of Biden and you can rest assured they will do everything in their power to ensure that their useful puppet Trump is put back into office.
Democracy in Crisis is More Important Than Poll Numbers
"Citizens should not obey in advance. Much of fascism is a bluff — look at our loyal cult, listen to our outrageous language, heed our threats of violence, we are inevitable! Hitler was good at that sort of propaganda. Yet to gain power, he needed luck and the errors of others. American fascism, likewise, is far from inevitable. It, too, is largely bluff, most of it digital.
The internet is much more fascist than real life, which is discouraging. But we vote in the real world. The crucial thing is the individual decision to act, along with others, for four months, a little something each day, regardless of the atmospherics and the polls and the media and the moods."
– Timothy Snyder
Dat Stache!
Mirror Mirror On The Wall
I'm Such a Geek
I love this shit…but then, you knew that.