It's easier if I present this in reverse order…

The CD itself…
Wrapped in plain brown paper and sealed with the seller's seal…
The CD, wrapped in brown paper and sealed, wrapped in bubble wrap…
The CD, wrapped in brown paper and sealed, wrapped in bubble wrap and wedged between two pieces of cardboard (not shown) and two pieces of 3/4" thick styrofoam, bundled together with rubber bands…
And the entire thing, sealed with a kiss and shipped in a recycled padded Amazon mailing bag.

Having bought and sold enough CDs online, I know that occastionally the shipping company/USPS handles them a bit roughly and they arrive with the splines in the jewel cases broken off. That certainly did not happen in this case, but still…

P.S. You couldn't have bent this thing if you tried!

Considering the amount of waste this one CD generated, I can't help but wonder if the seller works at Amazon.

And in case you're curious…

We Got Us a Presidential Buddy Movie!


"Alright, buddy, I'll see you soon." That's how Democratic POTUS nominee Kamala Harris ended her phone call asking Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate. She calls him 'buddy.'

Buddy is one of those familiar terms with a murky etymology. It's thought to have evolved from butty, an 18th century term for 'work-mates' associated with Welsh coal miners. It's a wonderfully informal word describing close but informal friendships. Buddy has been mostly associated with men, but these days gender is a lot more fluid than it used to be. Oddly enough, that cultural shift has been supported by popular culture in the form of buddy movies.

Buddy movies are basically male rom-coms. Romantic comedies between hetero men. They're not sexual (usually), but they're about two people who are intimately close to each other, engaged in some sort of adventure. And people, that's what we've got with Harris/Walz. We got us a buddy movie. Kamala and Tim's Excellent Adventure.

Sure, in some ways it's a non-trad buddy movie. I mean, we're talking about a whip smart mixed race woman former DA from California and a classic Midwestern Dad who's a balding former social studies teacher and high school football coach. But in all the ways that matter, it's an absolutely classic pairing. Most buddy movies revolve around two people from different backgrounds with different personalities who go through episodic shit and in the end gain mutual respect and a stronger relationship.

And Coach Walz is perfect casting. He's the polar opposite of the GOP notion of masculinity. He's not loud, he's not a bully, he's not aggressive, he's not domineering, he's not suffering from testosterone poisoning, he's not brutally competitive. He's compassionate, caring, practical, thoughtful, considerate, helpful. Walz is the kind of guy who's not only loan his neighbor a hedge trimmer, he'd also offer to help trim the hedge. And he'd know HOW to trim a hedge.

The Adventure Begins

Tim Walz appears to be a sort of counter-Kamala, but he's not…and that's much of what makes this buddy team work. He's what Kamala Harris would be if she'd grown up a white boy in Nebraska. And she's what Coach Walz would be if he'd grown up a mixed race girl who moved frequently as a child. They bring together a weird melding of experiences and cultures that work perfectly together. (Editorial Note: yeah, I don't know if that whole 'who they'd be' business is accurate in any way, but it like it so I'm keeping it.)

I'm telling you, we need a campaign poster in which Harris and Walz are dressed in Men in Black suits and shades, with the tagline "Protecting the earth from the scum of the universe." We need a poster of them in ordinary clothes and the tagline "The Not-So-Odd Couple." We need a poster of them in Wyld Stallyns t-shirts, standing outside a phone booth, with the tagline "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

This presidential campaign is going to be different. Yes, it'll get ugly at times, and yes we'll probably be disappointed by something Harris or Walz does, and yes yes yes we'll still have to see Trump and JD being creepy and hostile and mean-spirited. But buddy movies are all about two people overcoming that shit by being supportive of each other. And the very best buddy movies, like the very best rom-coms, have happy endings.

And let also say this: we fucking deserve a happy ending.

So Cool!

Every named Crew Member of the USS Enterprise's historic five-year mission from Star Trek: The Original Series.

Quote of the Day

I'm not bothered by gay people or transsexual people. They don't impact my life, they don't hurt my life. I love when people are in love. You wanna be a woman? Be a woman. You wanna be a dude, be a dude. Be whatever you fucking want. As long as you ain't hurting anybody, I'm on your team." ~ Howard Stern

Indeed. Well past time to bring back a sadly neglected skill set called Minding Your Own Fucking Business.