From One Of My Readers
Shared with permission.
Dear Friends and Bloggers,
As some of you know and some may not know, this year has been extremely difficult for me to comprehend. I also know that I am not alone with this disruption in our lives that caught so many of us off guard and feeling desolate and depressed. What I offer is my personal opinion of the outcome of the election, its aftermath and my acceptance of the results. It does not come easily to say I took such a downturn during the campaign and the election that I sought medical help that precipitated some changes in the meds and a period of being alone, away from my family and friends to do some deep thinking of life and a way forward. I am still a work in progress but I am making progress. At the clinic, my doctor shared with me that there has been an increase in patients seeking help for mental issues as a result of our election, so know that you are not alone in this and together we may find a way forward to right the devastating wrong that has been inflicted upon us.
Thinking through the events of this past year. I realize that my anger is justified and my belief in the goodness of such a large percentage of our population was totally misplaced. After all the evidence dealing with the deceitful, bigoted, misogynistic and careless behavior and disregard for most of the people in this country came to light and was reported extensively, how the Republican/Maga candidate for our top office still was able to win, not just once but twice is astounding and mysterious. The bottom line – mean spirited and hateful people vote for mean spirited and hateful candidates. This was made abundantly clear on November 5th, this is part of our history now and my hope is that the authors that pen America's story will report what transpired and that it will not be able to be silenced and whitewashed. Which leads me to consider this important fact; the reasons for America's involvement in World War II and the allied forces that believed in the concept of a democracy united to end the ruthless takeover of the world by a handful of dangerous demagogues, was scrupulously chronicled in thousands of texts, yet her we are again witnessing a group of power-hungry billionaires intent on damaging our way of life, and it is certain to affect all of us in some way.
America has become a nation of a miniscule group of sadists(those desiring to inflict pain and suffering for their pleasure) and a large population of masochists(those deriving pleasure from oppression and being beaten down and disadvantaged). Consider the people of the Southern United States, people who vote for the Republican ticket time and time again, and rarely benefit from the decisions their representatives in Congress make for them. They remain in poverty, being the citizens who use most of the aid from the government, with the least of educational benefits and poorest economies in the nation.
I think we can all agree that these next 4 years are going to be a challenge, but I actually hope for the worst. I want the next president to surround himself with the dumbest and least experienced people he can find, and it looks like he's doing an excellent job making that happen. I want them to enact all kinds of laws that will further impoverish and inconvenience the middle and lower class. That may sound harsh but at the end of my life approaching fast I have little to lose as a senior on a fixed income. A reality check and a kick in the pants is what's needed for our younger generations to know that they've been coddled and babied and now's the time to feel true pain. I want the threatened tariffs to wreck the economy and send even the monied few into a tailspin of desperation. The common people need to live life with gas at $12.00 a gallon, compact cars selling for $80,000.00, eggs at $16.00 and mandatory insurance for home and car that will cost what no one can afford. The abject severity should open the eyes of the blind, deaf and stupid that voted for this most miserable excuse for a human being.
The turnaround won't happen soon. It will take an uprising of unfathomable determination unseen since WWII to begin the reparations needed for our fragile democracy to survive. I hope for that, seems hope is all we have at this minute. As a meme I saw recently said, if we can eat one billionaire, the others will fall in line. Possibly not, but it would be fun to witness the reaction. Thank you very much for your time. All of you inspire me every day with the work you do on your blogs. ~ Milleson
365 Days of UNF: December 10th
He'll Rearrange Your Guts
Just Sayin…
365 Days of UNF: December 9th
Moments After Which There Is No Going Back
From The Atheist Revolution:
What is it about the 2024 U.S. presidential election that I'm still having a hard time coming to terms with? It isn't the outcome itself, as that did not surprise me. I figured that Trump would win. It was clear that the news media missed him and wanted him back in office. The surprise had more to do with how he won. This wasn't another case of wining the electoral college and losing the popular vote. He won both.
What does it mean to win the popular vote even when it does not determine the outcome of an election? It means that more of the Americans who bothered to vote preferred the winner of the popular vote. It is, in essence, a popularity contest. And Trump won it. This is the part I'm struggling with the most. Knowing everything we now know about him, more American voters wanted Trump back in power. It is tough to look at the country in the same way I once did.
Same, Sir. Same.
Ain't That The Truth!
I Assume It Smells Like a Full Diaper
365 Days of UNF: December 8th
Oh, That It Were True…
"Push Back"
I've always maintained that all it will take is for the masses to eat just one billionaire and the others will quickly fall in line.
I Honestly Think…
Quote of the Day
He doesn't have to be compromised by Putin. He's on Putin's side. He's his friend. Hes his fan. He loves Putin. He loves the things that Putin represents — authoritarianism, the entire ugly corrupt Russian power structure. Donald Trump looks at it and says give me some of that. They could have taped Donald Trump fucking a goat – it wouldn't matter. He'd be Vladimir Putin's best buddy no matter what. So as the idea of a conspiracy to explain Trump's behavior it fails the Occam's razor test. Trump is an authoritarian asshole. He's going to love other authoritarians. It's almost definitional." ~ Rick Wilson
They're Not Wrong…
Apple propaganda notwithstanding, the reason tower PCs are big isn't because they're outdated. The reason tower PCs are so bulky is because they're designed to be user serviceable. The case has lots of open space so your big, meaty hands can easily access all of the components, and everything is secured with friction-fit tabs and standard machine screws to minimise the need for specialised tools. A properly laid out tower PC is fully serviceable with a single Phillips-head screwdriver and no greater manual skill than your average Lego playset – heck, for some of the more modern case layouts you don't even need the screwdriver, unless you're performing major surgery like a full motherboard replacement.
Like, think about who benefits from convincing you that a fully modular computing device that can be serviced and repaired with your bare hands and minimal technical skill is unfashionable.
Back in the day, I used to build my own PCs. I'd run down to Fry's Electronics, pick out a case, a motherboard, a CPU chip, memory, and whatever other components I needed. I'd drag it all home and assemble it myself. I'd load the O/S, power it up, and viola!
Yes Virginia, He Really Is That Stupid
So Many Answers To That Question…
Republican Jesus
Hey Daddy…
Not Wrong!
Whoever Did This Needs An Award
"It's Not Gonna Suck Itself!"
More Useless Information For You
Saturday "Jokes"
It's hard to tell if America is turning into The Handmaid's Tale or Idiocracy.
For the next four years, we will see what a lack of competence and integrity looks like on steroids.
I'm waiting for someone to tell me, "Yeah I picked fruits and vegetables until those illegals came along".
They say 'nothing is impossible'.
I disagree. I'm doing nothing right now!
It's totally possible.
If a woman says she's happy with 3 inches then it's most likely your credit card.
I came home last night to find my wife in skimpy lanugre, wearing riding boots, and holding a whip.
I thought, "Oh, great. Where the hell are we going to keep a horse?"
(Actually, I would have thought YEEEE HAAAA!)
Christmas time is great because you can shout "Don't come in here!" and people assume you're wrapping presents instead of just wanting to be left alone.
Republicans gloating about how Justin Trudeau had to go to Mar-a-Lago to bend the knee, when in fact, they had to meet in Florida because Canada won't allow felons in their country.
A man walks into a bar and he's got a newt on his shoulder.
The bartender says, "Oh wow. What an interesting pet. What's his name?"
The guy says, "Tiny".
The bartender says, "Huh. Why did you name him 'Tiny'"?
The guy says, "Well, he's my newt".
Mom: My child won't eat meat. What can I replace it with?
Answer: A dog. Dogs love meat!
Why did the little cookie cry?
Because his mom was a wafer for so long.
Dear Mother Nature,
Having received my free sample of winter, I would like to cancel the remainder of my subscription.
Teacher: Use dandelion in a sentence.
Student: De cheetah is faster dandelion.
The US Postal Service created a stamp with a picture of tRUMP, but the new stamp was not sticking to envelopes. After weeks of testing, they found there was nothing wrong with the stamp or the adhesive. It turned out people were spitting on the wrong side.
Me: Our son asked where babies come from.
Wife: He's too young. Tell him the stork.
Me (later): Your mom fucked a stork.
Be happy. It drives people crazy!
Dad: Why are your eyes all red?
Son: I smoke weed, Dad!
Dad: Stop lying. You're crying because I beat you at Mario Kart.
Earl to friend: I installed a new toilet seat that lights up if the seat is left up. Opal hated it. I had to take it out.
Song playing… Moon riverrrr wider than a mile…
Earl: I replaced it with one that plays a tune.
(In bed)
Wife: Are you sleeping?
Husband: No, I just close my eyes and travel far away.
Wife: But you're snoring.
Husband: I travel by tractor.
Boss: Why do you…
Me: shhhh
Boss: What's your biggest wea…
Me: shhhh
Boss (whispering): You're hired. Welcome to the library staff.
When you think there's no hope left, remember the lobsters in the tank of the Titanic's restaurant.
My dog kept chasing people on a bike.
So I took his bike away.
Then he just sat there in the yard and barked all day.
So I gave him his bike back because his bark was worse than his bike.
365 Days of UNF: December 7th
Released 39 Years Ago Today
Grace Jones:Â Island Life (1985)