Spotted In Calgary
Burn It Down, Ladies!
"Shadier Than A Georgia Peach Tree In Summer" 😈
"I've Been Waiting For You…"
Everything Is A Lie With Them
365 Days of UNF: January 10th
Too Bad The Rule Of Law Means Nothing Anymore
The Perfect Soundtrack For These Days
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall…
I Recognize That Beach!
Doing My Part
If Only…
Too Bad There Won't Be Any Fact Checkers There On January 20th
And Yet, Here We Are
A person with dementia may be unable to put bits of information and memories together correctly, which can lead them to draw false conclusions and believe something that isn't true.
Any other family would have Gramps in a care home by now but the Traitor tots just keep pushing the syphilitic septuagenarian in front of a microphone so they can continue to fleece their cult
It's Rare These Days…
…that music can give me physical chills, but here I am listening to the Blade Runner soundtrack and the End Titles cut is making the hair on my arms stand up. What a brilliant piece of cinema…
Trump Lied? NO WAY!
365 Days of UNF: January 9th
2024 In Pictures: My Loves, My Observations, My Obsessions…And A Few Selfies
About a week before the New Year I was going to post a "Year in Pictures" thingie, but after I selected the images I realized that so many of them were of Sammy and I just…couldn't. His passing was still too fresh. I mentioned this to Ben and he said I should create the post for precisely that reason because Sammy was such a big part our lives.
Well, it's been a couple weeks since I gathered the photos together and after thinking it over, I think it's time.
"Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you." ~ Richard Bach, from The Messiah's Handbook
Vomiting It All Up
One Of My Grails Finally Obtained
I've been in love with Cerrone's "updated" Supernature (the original version was released in 1978 and I remember many a night at Maggies twirling to it) since I first stumbled across it online more than a dozen years ago. The original Supernature—and it's message—was good, but this "new" version was an aural orgasm. Finding a physical copy at the time however was problematic. All my usual venues didn't have it—or hadn't even heard of it—but after discovering Discogs, I found it was actually in print and available…albeit for a steep price. That didn't mean I stopped wanting it…
Well, considering that my disposable income is going to take a major hit after the 31st and considering certain events of the past couple months, I said fuck it—we're all gonna die anyway—and dropped the coin. It wasn't the most I've ever spent for a CD, but it was more than the $20 I usually pay for a sought after release.
Marie Kondo would undoubtedly ask, "Does it bring you joy?" And to that I respond, "Yes bitch. Yes it does."
In case any of you are interested…