Logan McCree

I remember when Logan's ink was so deliciously radical. Now it seems…commonplace.

Has anyone read The Fourth Turning? Normalization of tattoo and other body art is one thing specifically cited as being an indicator that we are indeed deep in the throes of that generational changeover.

Infrared Photography is Cool

Unfortunately, I've never mastered it.

(And I literally spent the last two hours pouring over all of my photos since we moved back from Denver trying to locate the one successful attempt I did make. Sadly, I could not find it.)

Vintage Audio Pr0n

These mini components came out shortly after Technics units appeared on the scene. Initially I had some buyer's regret with Technics because these Mitsubishi units seemed…well…more. Now, some 40 years later I think the Technics have them totally beat on aesthetics, if not raw power.