Look At This, America. Look At THIS.

This is US. We have lost all traces of our humanity.

Bring on the asteroid. Bring on the alien overlords. Bring on the AI singularity that wipes us all out. Let's hope the cockroaches make a better go of this thing called civilization than we have.

Except for the daily UNFs that are already queued up) I'm going to hold off posting any more pictures of pretty men until I can process this. It seems…I don't even have a word for it. I have no words for anything I'm feeling right now.

And since Ben is a school administrator, don't think for a moment I don't worry about him when he leaves for work every. damn. day.

As I told him this morning, if something happens to him at least I know he will have died protecting his kiddos…

Cinematic Anniversaries

The Empire Strikes Back broke the May 25th mold, being released on May 21, 1980.

On that date in May 1980, I was working as a legal messenger for Lewis & Roca, a large law firm in downtown Phoenix. I was still living at home, not yet having made that fortuitous overnight trip to Tucson where I met a man who would light the fire that finally got me to move out and get a place of my own (with him, initially at least). I was still 21 years old (something that would change in a few days hence and an age I used to consider ancient), my folks were still married, no one had heard of AIDS, Jimmy Carter was president, and all of my friends were still blissfully alive, totally unaware of the horror that was about to descend upon the gay community.