I Have No Reason to Doubt This Story

The Levi people said they'd like to make me an outfit- a denim kilt, and a whole denim Nightcrawler blue thing for the [X-Men] premiere, and then they said,"Wouldn't it be great if you had a big black leather belt which had Nightcrawler studded on it?"

So we go to this leather shop in San Francisco and we're buying the belts and there's all these metal cock rings on the wall, millions of them. And I was like "How do you know how big a cockring is? Because you can't tie it or anything, it's just a metal thing." And the guy at the shop heard me and went "Would you like to try one on, sir?" and I was like "oh….ok!" so he gets one down off the wall and goes "You look like a medium" and I'm like "Oh, fuck you."

…so then the premiere comes, and then you know when you go to those things there's endless television crews you've got to do little sound bytes for…and I'm wearing a kilt, so they say "So Alan, are you being a true Scotsman? What are you wearing under your kilt?" and after a while I couldn't resist it any longer- "I'm wearing just a cockring." and they're like "No, really…." and I'm like "Yes, really."

And then I got so brazen about it that by the end of the party, people didn't believe me and I was like "Feel it!" So I would get people's fingers, like the head of the studio and everything, and I would put their fingers so they could feel like, the metal at the top bit. Not near anything dangerous, just above the thing. And then eventually word got around and there was like, a line of people waiting to feel the metal of my cockring. So yeah, that's my cockring story!

~ Alan Cumming

That's a View You Don't Often See

The top of the pyramid of Khafre, with the original casing stones still in place. When the pyramid was new, these fine limestone blocks were polished and bright white in color. It was said you could see them for miles.

Good Question. And I'm Sick of It!

Republicans held some 30 investigations into Benghazi AND the Republican-controlled Senate did not allow witnesses or evidence in Trump's 1st impeachment trial AND they rammed through a Supreme Court justice with just 8 days before the 2020 election after having refused to even consider Obama's nominee with over 250 days until the 2016 election. Why do Dems have to play nice with people like this?


Okay, I can get over that Dean (Jensen Ackles) has a smooth (or at least shaved) chest—despite the fact he comes off as very bearish— but he's also got boy nipples. Obviously he doesn't like them played with. (Not that any one of us would ever get the opportunity.) Damn.

This Episode…

The Outer Limits (1963), "It Crawled Out of the Woodwork"

…scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. (And don't think for a moment that it doesn't flash across my mind whenever I use the crevice tool on a vacuum cleaner to suck up a bit of schmutz.)

Maybe Not as Quickly as We'd All Like, But it is Happening

From The Palmer Report:

Everyone on this list, from Michael Flynn, to Kayleigh McEnany to Jason Miller, to Stephen Miller, will either cooperate or be arrested by the end of the year. Or if you want to build in some additional lead time around the holidays for contempt votes and grand jury activity, some of the latter names on this list may not be arrested until January. But this list is a who's who of Trump world – and now they all either have to sell Trump out or end up behind bars.