And the only reason I don't (although he certainly checks off all the boxes) is that I would also have to accept all the rest of the Biblical bullshit and "accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior"—and I doubt I will ever be that desperate.

A Certain Aesthetic

This is an extremely rare species, the population is fragmented with a total size of less than 5,000 km².
This species is part of the Microhylid frog family and molecular data has shown that the initial divergence of the Microhylidae family to have taken place about 66 millions of years ago, or immediately after the Cretaceous extinction event.
The main threat to this species is the conversion of forested area to cultivated land.

The Witches by Kyri Koniotis

It was not witches who burned.
It was women.
Women who were seen as:
Too beautiful,
Too outspoken,
Had too much water in the well (yes, seriously),
Who had a birthmark,
Women who were too skilled with herbal medicine,
Too loud,
Too quiet,
Too much red in their hair,
Women who had a strong nature connection,
Women who danced,
Women who sang,
or anything else, really.
Any woman was at risk of burning in the 1600's. Sisters testified and turned on each other when their babies were held under ice.
Children were tortured to confess their experiences with "witches" by being fake executed in ovens.
Women were held under water and if they could float, they were guilty and executed. If they sank and drowned they were innocent.
Women were thrown off cliffs.
Women were put in deep holes in the ground.
Why do I write this?
Because knowing our history is important when we are building a new world.
When we are doing the healing work of our lineages and as women.
To give the women who were slaughtered a voice, to give them redress and a chance of peace.
It was not witches who burned.
It was women.

~ Fia Forsström (Excerpt)