"Before we go any further, I'm sure there are plenty of readers who have Genius Bar horror stories, or who have experienced less-than-stellar customer service, but going off of my own experiences, I can safely say I've never had a better experience getting a product repaired or replaced than at an Apple Genius Bar. The Genius Bar represents the Apple we all romanticize, the Apple we imagine has our backs whenever we need it. The one that says, 'We're with you every step of the way, even if you stumble sometimes.'" ~ Harry C. Marks
(Go read the entire article. It's well worth it.)
I always feel quite old going to the bar; every one who works at ours is under 20, or so it feels.
I love these tech posts. I learn so much.
Recently Dirk asked if he should get an iPad or Kindle Fire – my big selling points were the Genius Bar and the number of Apps. Third was matching platforms of cells and tablets and iPods (does anyone call them mp3"s) and laptops/computers.