I Don't Feel Any Older…

…than I did yesterday, or the day before, or even last month—but the calendar tells me that I've somehow managed to survive one more trip around the sun.

When I was in my 20s, my 50s seemed impossibly far away. Now looking back it feels like the years have passed in the blink of an eye. Hell, I realized that next year Ben and I will be celebrating ten years together!


5 Replies to “I Don't Feel Any Older…”

  1. Birthdays are funny, especially as you get older. My sister turned 60 on 3/29 and when I called to congratulate her she asked "do you know how old I am?" and started laughing, and, of course, I started laughing, because in our youth we never, ever, ever imagine we someday we'll be saying things like "Holy Shit, I'm 60."

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