There's No Difference Between the Democrats and Republicans?

Oh, I don't think so.

  • Democrats haven't banned the teaching of Mexican history (Arizona).
  • They didn't call a young lawyer who spoke before Congress a "slut" (Limbaugh).
  • They don't question the findings of 97% of the world's scientists that global warming is real.
  • They aren't trying to suppress voters.
  • They don't believe child labor is a fine idea (Gingrich).
  • They don't consider ketchup (Reagan) or pink slime a "vegetable" in school lunches.
  • They don't support the idea that women shouldn't receive equal pay for equal work. (Republican Congress).
  • Or that women should be forced to have ultrasounds or other medical interventions before choosing to have an abortion (Texas).
  • They don't believe anyone who looks Hispanic should be stopped in the street and forced to show papers (Arizona).
  • They don't think privatizing Social Security will be a "great deal" for the elderly (Romney).
  • They don't think gay people are destroying traditional marriage.
  • They don't believe corporations are people (Supreme Court).
  • They don't think any one faith should take precedence over another (Religious Right).
  • They don't believe that creationism (a religious belief) should be taught side-by-side with natural selection (science).
  • They don't think all taxation is bad (Tea Party).
  • They don't think ILLEGAL Wall Street shenanigans should go unpunished.
  • They don't see the benefits of empty "trickle-down" promises that have NEVER been realized.
  • They don't believe women who've been raped should be forced to carry a child that results from that rape (Santorum).
  • They don't think it's wise to open National Parks to developers looking to make a buck.
  • They don't think that parking American corporate profits overseas to avoid paying taxes shows much dedication to America.
  • They don't think teachers are overpaid.
  • They don't think it's wise to allow people to carry guns and use them unless there's a damn clear reason.
  • They don't like the idea of unregulated industry, given that it's recently brought us to the brink of Depression.
  • They remember what dangerous, shoddy products existed before there were laws for safety.
  • They don't think college students should be burdened with high-interest loan rates.
  • They don't think people protesting should be sprayed and beaten.
  • They don't resent the poor.
  • They don't think Obama is a Muslim.