From Blobby…

Honestly, I have no idea what to make of reproductive rights with yesterday's SCOTUS ruling and the Senates take down of IVF.

SCOTUS rejected a challenge—one—to keep mifepristone on the market. I will admit, I was surprised at the unanimous vote. Not just for this – but for any measure on this specific court.
Isn't it horrible when they do something right and you immediately suspect another shoe is going to drop? I just don't trust this.
Then senate on the other hand…
Those motherfuckers blocked a bill guaranteeing IVF services across the country.

"Why should we vote for a bill that fixes a non-existent problem? There's not a problem. There's no restrictions on IVF, nor should there be," Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas.

Yeah – this twat. Clearly he's not reading the news on Alabama. Nor is he to be believed, the way SCOTUS candidates lied about Roe being established law. It IS a problem – it's just hidden under a rock until a potential change in administration.
Yes, it totally violates HIPAA, but I want the names of every Senate and House members wives, daughters, aunts, mothers, cousins who have gotten IVF – and publish that fucking list.
I am so.very.tired. of the hypocrisy.
I can't have kids. I don't even want them – never have. Honestly, I'm not sure if I care that other people have them ever. Still, it's their decision, not the governments.
I feel the dichotomy in these two rulings is really setting up the GOP for a "yahhhhh, we're all for your reproductive rights", while they have their fingers crossed behind their backs.
This is all a lie. Somehow.

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